The Ideal Father | Teen Ink

The Ideal Father

May 24, 2013
By Anonymous

“If I hadn’t seen the doctor pull him out of my wife with my own eyes, I’d never believe he’s my son,” Said Baba about his son, Amir, on page 23 in The Kite Runner. The Kite Runner is a story about guilt, redemption and forgiveness within different relationships throughout the novel. The most interesting relationship would be the father and son relationship between Baba and Amir. Baba’s relationship with Amir is strained because they don’t share common interests; that makes Baba feel like Amir isn’t even his son. This is an example of a bad father because Baba isn’t trying to fix his relationship with Amir, but would rather complain about his son. The ideal father is someone who is understanding, loving and supportive.
Something every parent should be able to do is to understand your children. “Something we need to do as a father is to be passing along the value of empathy to our children. Not sympathy, but empathy- the ability to stand in somebody else’s shoes; to look through their eyes.”, as President Obama says in his Father’s Day speech. President Obama stresses the importance of understanding your children because you have to be able to get where they’re coming from to really get to know them. On page 21 in The Kite Runner baba fails to understand his son, Amir, “I wasn’t like that.’ Baba sounded frustrated, almost angry. Rahim Khan laughed. ‘Children aren’t coloring books. You don’t get to fill them with your favorite colors.” Baba wants his son, Amir, to be just like him; Baba wants Amir to enjoy watching sports, to enjoy playing sports, and to be able to stand up for himself. Amir is more interested in reading and writing yet Baba does not try to like Amir’s interested. This shows how fathers should not act because Baba isn’t trying to understand Amir’s interest.
Showing love is vital in raising your children. On page 121 in The Kite Runner Baba makes a sacrifice for Amir, “Maybe we can go back to Peshawar,’ I said… ‘You were happier there Baba. It was more like home,’ ‘Peshawar was good for me. Not good for you,’ Said Baba.” Even though Baba was miserable in America, he refused to go to a place of comfort because Amir will be losing his safety, education, and happiness. Baba’s selfless act shows how much Baba loves Amir and will do anything for him. My dad always makes sure that he lets me know how much he loves me. He shows me that he loves me by the little things he does. From driving me to dance classes to taking me out for lunch, he always is there for me because he is a good father.
Supporting your children is one of the best things you can do for them. On page 139 in The Kite Runner Baba is proud of Amir, “Amir is going to be a great writer,’ Baba said. I did a double take at this. ‘He has finished his first year of college and earned A’s in all of his courses.” Baba is showing he is proud of Amir by bragging about him to General Taheri. At first, Baba didn’t approve of Amir’s choice to become a writer because Baba wanted Amir to have a successful job like being a doctor or lawyer. This was the first show of support Baba has really ever shown Amir; the fact that Baba spoke so proudly of Amir to General Taheri made Amir truly happy and made him aspire to continue his hard work. Supporting your children can come in many different forms. For me, my dad was very supportive; growing up, my dad would always come to all of my soccer games, piano recitals and dance recitals. Just being there and seeing that my dad was there to support me and cheer me on made all the difference and made me want to work so much harder. Being there for your children and supporting them through anything is one of the most important things you can do as a father.
The ideal father should be understanding, loving and supportive. Fathers should spend time with their kids to show that they love and care about them. Fathers also need to encourage and respect their children’s interests. Fathers should relate to their children and be understanding. After reading The Kite Runner, it made me realize that fathers aren’t always perfect; but, if they try to work towards a good relationship, it makes them the ideal father.

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