A quick and basic guide to a true friend | Teen Ink

A quick and basic guide to a true friend

May 23, 2013
By Anthony Gibbons BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Anthony Gibbons BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Randy Newman’s You Got a Friend in Me is a classic and iconic song. The song tells you that no matter how hard the road may seem you’ve always have a friend to guide you. A friend is someone who more than guides you. A friend is: someone who has your back, makes the tough times easier, and is loyal to the end. In Khaled Hosseini’s book The Kite Runner we are introduced to a friendship that shares the ideal friend traits.

A friend should be willing to defend another when trouble comes. An excellent example in the Kite Runner would be the character Hassan and how he protected Amir by threatening a threat. Hassan aims a slingshot at Assef’s face and tells him to leave Amir alone. Hassan managed to stay strong even through insult to support Amir. A friend should be willing to put his own safety or feelings on the line to help another when faced with danger or a tough decision. A friend should uphold your honor and integrity even when you are not around, not backstab with slanderous words or actions

A friend is someone you spend time withal. You play sports, watch movies, play video games, or just hang out. A friend is someone who not only knows you but someone who talks to you and hangs out with you. An example from the Kite Runner would be Amir and Hassan’s relationship. Although it is shown when only Hassan and Amir are around and no one else is present, there is still a strong bond between the two. Amir reads to Hassan, they both play card games, they taught each other how to ride bikes, and they always spend time relaxing on their favorite pomegranate tree. Friends also share similar passions or interests, be it video games, movies, or music. For me and my friends it’s our interests in games, music, ideas, and opinions that bring us together. Similar passions and interests bring friends closer together and strengthen the bond of friendship.

Finally a good friend is someone who is loyal and respectful of you. .you should maintain integrity to each other and never turn your back on someone. Through thick and thin a friend should be at your side. A strong friendship forms a brotherhood among friends. If a relationship is strong and your loyalty to each other is untarnished then you will no longer see someone as just a friend, but a brother or sister. I have numerous friends, minor friends on the wings, while the best are center stage. I have one friend in particular that I consider a brother. We always look out for each other and advise on decisions or thoughts of the other. There is a special connection between an ordinary friend and a loyal brother. A brother will always be on your side and never disrespect you, just like how Hassan never disgraced Amir.

The ideal friend can consist of many more traits, but I deem two of the three I mention the most basic, the last being the most important. An ideal friend is someone you can trust with your life. I Have an inner circle of my most trustworthy and loyal friends. We watch out for each other and we always have something to say. No one is wrong among us because we choose to hear everyone fairly, and we are also respectful of opinions. Like Hassan we must entertain, listen, respect, and watch out for each other.

The author's comments:
I had to do this for class, but yeah here ya go

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