Falling | Teen Ink


March 20, 2013
By kpeacock SILVER, Hainesport, New Jersey
kpeacock SILVER, Hainesport, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I go to seek a Great Perhaps."

One day I hope to fall in love.

I want to feel that moment of pure bliss when our paths cross for the first time. The feeling of the veins in our eyes tying knots with the hope of someday being together.

I want to feel chills up my spine during the first gentle touch of the lips. I want to feel our intertwining fingers squeezing tighter to remind each other to never let go.

I want to know what it's to have someone be in love with all of my quirks. He'll notice my humming, how I chew and slurp my soup.

He'll know what my face looks like underneath the mask of makeup. He'll figure out when I'm tired, sad, happy and nervous. He'll fall in love with me and everything I do.

One day I hope to fall in love.

The author's comments:
I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way.

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Jade said...
on Nov. 8 2016 at 10:04 am
I can relate. Your story is somewhat of a poem and I love poems! Keep on writing.