The Scales of Relationship: Seeing Vs. Dating | Teen Ink

The Scales of Relationship: Seeing Vs. Dating

April 14, 2011
By writingitup SILVER, Oromucto, Other
writingitup SILVER, Oromucto, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hello, my fellow “Tee-inkers”. I want to draw your attention to something which lately has been affecting my gals, gents, and me at the moment, the term “seeing each other” vs. “dating”. None of this in my past would even come to be in my “dictionary” but lately as I am exploring my teenage years this term has entangled my essence to think. So, here is my concept on these particular phrases.
When you hear “we should start seeing each other” girls don’t jump into the conclusion you are about to become Facebook official, the truth is you are stuck in the middle. While being in the stage of just seeing the person, you can`t date others nor even think about making moves yet you are free to do as you please considering you are not technically dating. At this stage you are less official, you or your partner need to know each other more before you can be the newest Facebook update. At the moment of my hectic teenage years, I along with many of my friends are the middle chicks. We are just sitting in the car of the relationship, waiting for our “relationship” to be fuelled up and sent on the road to dating.

Now girls, don’t get fooled with “seeing a guy” and just being friends with benefits. If you are just friends with benefits, you are free to be community lips, if not the only man in your community is him. To understand which zone you and your boo may be in, figure out if there is another fling(s) going on, and mention another guy. If he abruptly stops the conversation chances are, there`s something more going on. If you really want a relationship tell him, if not hint on that what you two are doing is how it`s going to stay.

So, you know about seeing each other, what about the more exclusive dating? Well, this is much different than seeing each other. Dating is a much more exclusive, more committed, more “involved” (hopefully), form of a relationship. When you are dating, you are completely assured you can obtain a relationship to last longer than a week or a month. This is much more serious than seeing each other, because whatever you do in this stage majorly affects the outcome in the future. So, if you officially become official, edit your Facebook and show off your Boo!

So, in my final thoughts, I’d advise anyone who is willing to commit to a relationship to “just see them” for a bit before you go into that situation of dating. Considering because everyone has flaws and obstacles they’re facing and until you are 100% guaranteed you will be there completely throughout everything don’t commit.

Until another article, stay beautiful! Xox Milly.

The author's comments:
This piece is exactly what I'm going through with my "guy". So, I figured I'm obviously not alone in this situation. &&there will be other articles.

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