I Know I'm Just A Teenager | Teen Ink

I Know I'm Just A Teenager

November 6, 2009
By FluteLovinMeagan GOLD, Tampa, Florida
FluteLovinMeagan GOLD, Tampa, Florida
18 articles 11 photos 4 comments

I know I'm just a teenager, my parents always tell me that, but hey we just want to find things out by ourselves. Our parents are usually right, but I want to figure things out myself. I want to believe that my love and I will be together without my mom saying you will eventually break up. Hey I know we make stupid mistakes, but isn't like about making mistakes and learning from them, i do like help sometimes, but if we always get help, how are we learning. I want to be independent, so that if I make a mistake I can go to my mom and ask for help. We are only teenagers once, so lets make it right. I know some parents try forcing their kids to make their teenaged years perfect because they might of messed up, well then the kids wouldn't be making decisions they wouldn't be able to find who they are. Parents we love you, but we are just teenagers, all we are asking is to let us be, but still be there for us at any time.

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This article has 1 comment.

Hoot said...
on Nov. 17 2009 at 12:31 pm
Loved this review. AWESOME nd soooooooooooo sweet :):):)