You should date a goofball | Teen Ink

You should date a goofball

November 10, 2020
By Anonymous

You should date a girl who’s a goofball 

Date a girl who is silly, just do it. Date a girl who walks around and cracks jokes with random people she has never met. Date a girl who will spend all her Christmas money on raw cookie dough and fuzzy socks instead of saving it in the bank like her parents told her to. Date a girl who sits in her basement watching cartoons while eating a bowl of cotton candy ice cream.

How do you find this girl? Go to Target at 9pm right before closing time and take a peek in the aisle with the chalk in it. Look for the only teenage girl among the eight year olds at Jump Street on a Friday afternoon, go to a Starbucks and look for the one drinking a venti vanilla bean frappuccino while all of her friends drink their tall black coffees with a croissant on the side. 

She's the girl outside of the community pool at 5am on the fourth of July waiting for the perfect spot on the grass so that her mom doesn’t have to fight anyone like the year before. She’s the one who wears the same pink crocs and huge shirt everyday. She’s the one singing in the rain in the middle of the street, getting her school clothes all wet and heavy. She’s the one at Lookout Mountain dancing in front of her friends instead of watching the stars and the city lights twinkle.

Go sing and dance with her.

Let her know all of the problems and worries that you have and let her help because she gives really good advice. Ask how she is doing and if she needs a hug because 99% of the time the answer will always be “yes, please”. Help her with school work and let her know if she does anything wrong or hurts you in any way because she always wants to be better in every way possible

She doesn’t doesn’t like those secretive boys.

Dating a goofball is flat out the best thing you could do. Why? She avoids all of the stupid drama that comes with life. She is one of the funniest people you could ever meet. She never really cries, only when she has to of course. She will give you all of her attention. She likes any type of food, except for indian. And all in all she is just a fun and nice person to be around.

Her favorite is pickles, just so you know.

It’s easy to date these ones. They are down to do whatever, they never make things a big deal, and honestly her vibes are chill and entertaining.

Take her on those cute seasonal dates. She loves a boy who will watch Christmas movies with her. Take her to the batting cages and you have her heart locked up. Take her downtown to see all of the pretty lights twinkle above her. Take her to the drive in because she loves making those little forts in the trunks of cars to lay in. Take her to see her grandma once in a while. You could even take her to a haunted house (even though she hates them). It doesn’t matter one bit where you tek this girl, as long as she is with you she doesn’t need anything else. 

Introduce her to your family because soon it will become her own. Be careful if you have a younger sibling though because she will become their best friend in no time. She will gossip to your mom about her girl drama. She will play cornhole with your dad at the family barbeques. She will even throw the ball for your dog no matter the weather outside.


A girl who is silly will take you out of your comfort zone and take you to new places you never knew existed. She will even try things she hates (which is not many) to put a smile on your face.

Date a goofball because she might just be the missing piece to the puzzle. Date her because you need something new. If you want to sit in your house all day and play video games go for it, but this girl isn’t the one for you. If you want fun and happiness in your life then date a goofball.

The author's comments:

I wrote this peice for my creative writing class and it is one of my more favorite pieces I have done.

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