He Was Mine.... | Teen Ink

He Was Mine....

May 15, 2019
By Anonymous

I let it go to many times, let him walk all over me. We were fine at the start so full of love that we didn't care what others thought. By the 5th month we argued all the time, and it was always "my fault", I was the reasons for our arguments. I soon came to realize that it wasn't me. I gave up and thought that it would get better. I let him have control of me and that was my biggest mistake. I loved him, with everything in me I know that I loved him. I wanted him and for a while I had him, but in the end he left me. I wasn't what he wanted anymore, but thats okay. I would do it all again, because it taught me one thing. Not everyone is as they seem and people can put on great shows. He was my everthing. He was mine.

The author's comments:

I believe in young love because it happened to me. It was real. Take it from me though people can be one thing to your face, but in the end the ones you love the most can hurt you the worst. 

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