What Is Love? | Teen Ink

What Is Love?

February 27, 2019
By katiejenkins0 BRONZE, Hampton, Tennessee
katiejenkins0 BRONZE, Hampton, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Love is a word people use lightly. People say they love a lot of things; nature, food, pets, shoes, and everything else on this earth. Someone will say “I love you” after two dates. Everyone falls in love with the idea of love but what is it really?

Some will describe love as a feeling you get but if that was true then everyone is in love with their secret crush. Love goes deeper than just a feeling. Love is the couple who has been married for ten years fighting to keep their relationship from falling apart. Love is the mom who works late to provide for her son. Love is the chef who puts everything into the food she cooks. Love is the child who comforts their mom while she cries. Love is the man on his knees praying to God.

Feelings come and go, but love will always be there. Most people think of love as a romantic relationship but love is more than that. Love is being there for someone and caring about them. Love is not walking out when times are hard. Love is supporting someone’s dreams and helping them achieve them.

People love so much more than just a significant other. People love their best friend and their cat. If you truly love someone then you always will. Love can hurt but it’s worth it in the end when you are surrounded by people who love you and are there for you.

Love is not a one way street. If you love someone then sometimes you have to let them go. You cannot spend your life loving someone and providing for them if they do not do the same for you. Love hurts but you have to know that letting some people go will allow room for new people to come into your life and love you.

Love is something no one will fully understand but it is something amazing. Love can bring you happiness and joy but it will also bring pain and suffering. Never give up on finding love in your life.

The author's comments:

Many people have their own definition of love, but what is it really?

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