A Closed Mouth Won't Get Fed | Teen Ink

A Closed Mouth Won't Get Fed

November 25, 2018
By Anonymous

I believe that a closed mouth doesn’t get fed. That saying can mean a lot of different things. It can mean you should never be ashamed to tell your crush you like them, because he/she may like you to. Another meaning could be that you should always say what’s on your mind. . So remember what you get in life is what you have the courage to ask for.

Since, I’ve been watching ‘The Steve Harvey Talk Show”, I’ve seen lots of women put their selves down, because they think they aren’t attractive. Well, first you have to allow yourself to be attracted to be attractive. Every woman on this earth can find a trust worthy significant other. You just have to be yourself and go for it. But, no one knows what’s going through your heart but you.
Often we hide behind a halfhearted smile and nod instead of saying what we think. It takes practice, but learning to be authentic and open about what you are feeling or thinking is the first step. Once you get in the habit of making yourself heard without being overly accommodating or defensive, people will be more open to hearing you. Be bold enough to use your voice. Life is too short to be holding back from telling someone what’s on your mind.

How often do you express to your partner exactly what you want or why you want it? When was the last time you shared with your partner how you feel when you get the thing you need? Well, how can you expect to get what it is you want if you don’t ask for it? How can you even expect to receive the things you say you want if you are not physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually present within the relationship to receive them? How about trying to become devoted enough to be fully present, open and willing enough within your relationship to ask for what you want and remain present long enough to receive it.

In my life I have developed a crush on one of my friends. I thought he would never like or go with a girl like me. So, I stopped communicating with him to get over the crush. I noticed that I couldn’t get over it until I confess to someone about it. My friend told me I should talk to him about it. Then, he and I talked it over, and I found out that he liked me to. After that day he became my boyfriend.

The worst thing that can happen is that you can get rejected. That means it was never meant to be. The best thing that can happen is that he/she can like you to. You need to attempt the impossible in order to achieve the impossible. Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing and wishing you had?

The author's comments:

My Writing 'A Closed Mouth Won't Get Fed' helped me when i was falling for this boy and i didnt have the courage to tell him how i felt about him.Hopefully it will help you.

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