Example of a Formal Letter | Teen Ink

Example of a Formal Letter

April 13, 2016
By NasreenKidz SILVER, Jerantut, Other
NasreenKidz SILVER, Jerantut, Other
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

                                                                                     31st March 2016


The Bad Condition Of The Playground In Taman Neptune.

The reason I wrote this letter is to report that Taman Neptune’s playground is in a bad condition. Recently, the playground is in bad condition because it is not well maintained. Because of that, the children cannot play there anymore.

2. Firstly, I would like to complain about the vandalized playground
facilities. One of the swings has been broken because of the irresponsible people. Not just the swings, the public phone also has scratches around it, and the wire has been cut off making it useless for the people.

3. Next, The cleanliness of the playground also prevent children from going there. People throw rubbish around the playground because of the unavailable trash bins. Without the cleaner, the condition will stay that way and probably gets worse. The dirty condition attract the wild animals such as wild dogs, snakes and pigs. This will cause the danger of the children’s life. Last but not least the weather also causes the rustiness of the facilities.

4. Following, I would like to give suggestions on how to improve the
playground’s condition. First and foremost, I would like to suggest to hire one or two guards to guard the playground all day to make sure there’s no more vandalism happening around. Secondly, I suggest to put trash bins around the playground to keep the park clean. This can also encourage people to go to the park.

5. In conclusion, I hope that you can solve this problem as soon as you can. Many children have request for this problem to be solved. Please respond as fast as you can. Thank you.

Warm regards,

The author's comments:

This is just an example.The contents is not true

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