Global Warming Grows Fast | Teen Ink

Global Warming Grows Fast

January 13, 2016
By Rinko BRONZE, Farmington Hills, Michigan
Rinko BRONZE, Farmington Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It seems to me that we have to change the way we live to solve the global warming problem right now. Global warming is the earth becoming warmer and warmer.

The biggest problem of global warming is many living things are dying. In any case, glaciers are melting and the sea level is rising. “This could result in the flooding of low lying coastal areas and cities, such as Egypt, the Netherlands, and Bangladesh”(Global warming 2). Also, the glaciers are where many polar bears live, as glaciers disappear, the number of bear decreases. Lastly, all land on the earth might disappear. It is very terrible! I feel the effects of global warming. Last summer was very hot and the temperature exceeded a past record. We used an air conditioner everyday. Air conditioners make CO2 and this is increasing global warming. The problem is endless!

Similarly, global warming is reducing the ozone layer, therefore we are more exposed to UV rays. This is causing a lot of skin cancer and other UV radiation diseases. The incidence of cancer is gradually increasing. In addition, crops which we grow can’t adapt to the change of temperature, and we will lack food. Scientists believe the main cause of global warming is CO2. CO2 comes from burning oil and gases in factories, cars, and other human activities. So, it means people cause global warming. However, my friend said “We don’t have to do something to stop global warming. Because the crisis will not come in a time that we live and the things that we can do are too small.” I don’t think so. Certainly, we won’t be in danger, but our children and descendants might be. Small things that we do are gathered and will have a big effect on global warming.

There are some things what we can do to help solve the problem of global warming. One way is by reducing waste and recycling empty bottles, glasses, cans, plastic, and paper. It’s very easy to do. So, we can do it. Another way is to use electric cars or hybrid cars. Electric cars don’t use gasoline and they don’t make CO2. Hybrid cars make CO2, but less than normal cars. Therefore, you should buy electric or hybrid cars when you want to buy a car. In addition, we can do more to solve the global warming problem. We can plant plants. This is important for increasing oxygen because plants take CO2 and make oxygen. Thus, things that we have to do are know more about global warming and to start to do something, even if it is small. We can stop global warming!

The author's comments:

I decided to write about global warming because I really care about that and I want to stop it. I hope readers will know and do to solve it.

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