Green | Teen Ink


June 5, 2024
By irelandgerlach BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
irelandgerlach BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Green is my favorite color. Green pastes the image of spring in my mind. The feeling of the summer breeze on my skin. The scent of Tiger lilies from the garden in my nose. The taste of strawberries in the morning on my tongue. The song of Black-Capped Chickadees in my ears. Life is green. The healthiest version of our world is green. Green is rebirth. Buds grow on trees and emerge from the dirt, they are young, innocent, they are green. Green is hope. Hope that one day the entire world will be reborn, green. Green is peace. Green is untouched by man. Green is a reminder. A reminder of the true beauty of the Earth. Green is like a breath of fresh air. We need green. Green needs us. We must protect green as it protects us. If there is no green, there is only brown.

The author's comments:

This piece started as just a few sentence quick write in my notebook about my favorite color. I was able to develop it into something meaningful that relates to the world today.

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