Nature's Beauty | Teen Ink

Nature's Beauty

June 4, 2024
By 5vogeltanz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5vogeltanz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In this world that we live in there are a countless number of jaw dropping places, views, and experiences that we can travel to see. It can be a drive across town, a road trip to the next state, a plane ride across the country, or a plane ride across the oceans. No matter where you go there is something amazing and beautiful to experience. Everyone has a different place or destination that they have fallen in love with, anywhere from a beach to a city to a park—mine is Yellowstone National Park. 

I went to Yellowstone in the fall of 2021. This was an experience that is almost unimaginable, but I got to experience it first hand. It's amazing how much wildlife can be in one spot, how much life you can experience. Because it was fall the leaves were many different shades of yellow, red, and orange lighting up the mountains and creating a rainbow effect falling down on me. 

The air was crisp but nice for our long hikes that we took throughout the park. There was snow as we moved our way up the mountains. The hot springs steamed like tea pots on a stove. When I looked up into the distance the sky was covered with a mist and stream from all the hot springs. The blues that took over the Upper Geyser Basin made the geysers look like the ocean water on a bright summer day, but it didn't have to be sunny for the geysers to reflect the amazing blues they do. In the Mammoth Hot Springs the gold and yellows come from the thermal waters that are rich in calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, and sulfate. All of these sights and colors that are present in the park are absolutely breathtaking and unlike anywhere else in the world. 

The wildlife that moved around us was unbothered by our presents. They moved around us without a care in the world. There was a herd of  bison that walked right on the walking paths in front of me. All I could do was stand and admire how such a large animal could seem so peaceful and careless about what was happening around them. Elk would walk out right in front of the vehicles as they drove by. They stopped with their light brown fur glowing in the sunlight and their fur blowing in the wind. They would sniff the air around them to try and ascertain the vehicle that was stopped right beside them. And then slowly move on their way like we weren’t even there. 

The sounds of the park were soothing to my ears. The trees rustling, the wind whistling, the geysers erupting. All I could do was stand there quietly and try not to disturb the natural silence that has been created by all these noises. Of course to others this can be subjective. Maybe some think it's loud and irritating, but I find it peaceful. 

Everything, every animal, every tree, every hot spring, everything seamless went together. One element did not work without the other. Every part of what is in this amazing habitat combines together to make Yellowstone the amazing, jaw dropping experience that it is. This is why millions of people take the drive, the plane, and the trip to see Yellowstone National Park. 

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