Commencement speech | Teen Ink

Commencement speech

May 17, 2024
By z_studio BRONZE, Hebron, Kentucky
z_studio BRONZE, Hebron, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Leaving Our Shells

     I cant understand who put me in a position to write a commencement speech it's baffling especially because i have no experience in speaking to groups nor being my own living person with experience so this probably won’t be a long speech. Im not what you would want for this. Advice i have none strictly for the fact i think advice is worse than offering experience as “in my experience “ to me sounds a lot better than a recommendation of a situation. 

    To say In my experience i have no clue what ill be doing with my life nor have i ever but thats how i like it when you flow with your stresses instead of fighting them when you open to them instead of close them out life seems to be just a little easier even with last minute time crunches ive seemed to keep myself level headed because of this flow this writing is probably one of those crunches.Anyways Advice cannot recommend that feeling to me because ive seen a lot of people say advice and not follow it because they haven't experienced it. For example heres some advice i say a lot and cant follow at all,” don't get upset over the little things in life.” I cannot for the life of me follow this advice because i fail to experience it every time something stressful thats physical i crumble, last year i scratched someones bumper and instead of following my advice i broke ,snapped in half, cracked and popped. When i say i was hysterical 

im not joking it's embarrassing to mention because i could have handled that so much better but my advice isn’t as strong as experience I now think im prepared because i experienced it and I implore the idea of experience although don’t get into a fender bender to get that experience just don’t it’s not fun.

     This commencement speech is going to be short, but that’s because I don’t have much to offer to people. I haven’t figured it out yet nor will I probably ever, but I know experience is my best friend when it comes to new things and a little common sense. I don’t have the answers for other people’s lives. I have no clue what any of you have been through nor your experiences but that’s a great thing. it’s what makes us truly human which I hope is why we can all be successful in our futures even without a good commencement speech.

The author's comments:

it tells people to live their life and be free

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