Save Earth for Better Future | Teen Ink

Save Earth for Better Future

April 29, 2024
By Mak-Book12 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Mak-Book12 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"The mid-20th century was driven by human activities, particularly fossil fuel burning which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gasses levels in the earth's atmosphere, raising earth’s average surface temperature. On a website called “What is climate change? By NASA in March 25, 2024.” In 2021 “Visualizing the Scale of Global Fossil Fuel Production” said that “The world produces around 8 billion tons of coal, 4 billion tons of oil, and over 4 trillion cubic meters of natural gas.  Big places like China, India, and the USA make a lot of that greenhouse gas but a lot of that coal is used to light up our homes and offices. Natural gas is a very large source of electricity and heat for buildings and oil is used for the transportation sector.” 

The earth is affects a lot of things like glaciers and ice sheets where they are shrinking. One or two-degree shifts can hurt climate and weather. For example, places that get a lot of rain can experience changes in rainfall meaning having more floods, droughts, intense rain, and more frequent and severe heat waves. The oceans and glaciers also experience change. The ocean are becoming warmer and the sea level is rising. Adaptation can help us prepare for some likely effects of climate change by reducing impacts on our ecosystem. Some examples of that is strengthening water programs, upgrading stormwater systems, developing warning systems for extreme heat, and preparing for strong storms. There are two types of effects that happen. The first one is greenhouse gas. 

The greenhouse effect is gasses in the atmosphere like carbon dioxide, that trap the heat on the earth. The earth's temperature depends on the balance between energy leaving and staying. Certain gases in the atmosphere absorb energy so it is slowing the energy going to space. The buildup of greenhouse gases is from human activities which has changed the earth's temperature and can also have a big impact on human health. Most of the climate change has happened since 1950 with humans. Lots of the gasses are from burning for heat and energy, cutting down trees, raising livestock, and producing products. Second is ground-level ozone. 

 Ground-level ozone is created by a chemical reaction between nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds from automobiles and power plants. Trapping the heat of ground-level ozone can cause many health problems like respiratory health problems and damage crops. Water vapor plays a key role in climate feedback because of its heat-rapping abilities. Warmer air holds a lot more of the moisture than the cooler air does. Therefore the greenhouse increases and the global temperature rises. The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere also increases which causes the warming effects. All said by the EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency. Last updated on November 29, 2023. 

Many things people do in everyday life are hurting the environment and the planet. Many consequences will happen as the climate heats up, patterns of rainfall change, evaporation increases, and sea levels rise. All of these affect the freshwater, plants, and animals. Most of the land areas have warmed up faster than the ocean areas. The Arctic is getting too warm for the ice and glaciers there. The rate of the warming has gone up faster than the average rate since the 20th century. 

For long distances take a train, bus, carpool, or walk. Living without driving cars can reduce the carbon footprint by 2 tons per year. About 91.7% of Americans use their car to get them places and 23% of people have more than one car. About 115 million cars and trucks are driven each day. There are many ways everyone can change the way people live in America by flying less, eating less meat and dairy, reducing the energy people use, and cutting back all the waste and consumption. Said by the “Imperial College London” last updated on May 24, 2023.  In the end, though the earth is dying slowly because we have not changed anything to help it live. 




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