Orcas Need Support and Attention | Teen Ink

Orcas Need Support and Attention

December 19, 2018
By Isabellag2019 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Isabellag2019 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The film Blackfish has shed light on the treatment orcas receive in marine parks and how it affects the environment and people around them. The confined spaces the orcas are forced to live in with other orcas from different regions of the world affect how they interact with one another. Behavior is often intensified because of the terrible environmental conditions they are put in at marine parks. The bill created to better protect orcas is affective but not effective enough to keep orcas from being held captive in the parks.

Although the orcas are being used for observation and education it is wrong to keep animals that do not belong in a tank. Orcas are being taken advantage of by the marine companies who hold them in their parks. They were taken from their natural habitat and forced to live in a tank with other orcas they are not familiar with. This is a problem that needs to be solved on a larger scale by speaking out. Learning more about saving the orcas will help spread awareness. Researching is a great start to educate others about what is happening behind closed doors.

In the article Pros and Cons of Marine Zoological Parks According to Marine Conservations by Kayla L. Patam, provides research and notes that zoos and marine parks should be meeting requirements suggested by the Capstone paper.


Not only are the orcas affected by the terrible conditions of the marine parks, but other animals like dolphins are as well. Information presented by the website Peta in article “Marine Animal Exhibits: Chlorinated Prisons shows that animals live in unatural conditions provided by the marine parks. Tanks are kept clean with chemicals that have unknown side effects. Because of high chlorine levels in their tanks, dolphins at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Florida were unable to open their eyes and their skin began to peel off”. It is clear that these animals should not be living in these conditions that greatly affect their health.

Not only are the living conditions the issue but the mistreatment the animals received from the trainers. If the animals do not perform the way the trainers want them to they are punished for things they naturally are not supposed to do. “Newly captured dolphins and orcas are forced to learn tricks. Former trainers say that withholding food and isolating animals who refuse to perform are two common training methods”. Apparently this behavior is acceptable by the marine parks who showcase these animals.

Just because an animal does not want to perform unnatural tricks does not mean they should be starved or isolated. The physical conditions that are also affecting them are chemicals inside the tanks they are held in. Orcas often share tanks with other orcas which is not suitable because they are large animals in small spaces. Being held in a small space can make orcas aggressive towards each other and the trainers around them. Creating an unsafe environment for both the animals and humans.

The marine parks are getting away with punishing and taking advantage of animals who are not in their natural habitat. The bill passed to protect orcas has made a positive connotation towards the progress of protecting orcas from the marine parks. There are many other ways marine creatures can be supported and protected from being held captive from the marine parks.

Although some orcas are used for educational purposes in marine parks, it is still wrong to hold them in confined spaces that makes living uncomfortable. The animals need to live in their natural habitat. Where they can travel with their own species. As well as hunting for food that is apart of their natural survival instincts.

Some ways are donating money to programs that support the animals and another way is becoming an advocate for them. There is also peaceful protesting and spreading the word on any media platforms. Continuing with research to keep informed with what is happening with the orcas will also provide a source of support for them as well. Speaking about these issues will continue to raise awareness about the marine life that is being held against their will in marine parks.

The author's comments:

This Opinion Article is about the attention Orcas need.

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