Teen opinion essays on entertainment and celebrities | Teen Ink

Entertainment / Celebrities

Most recently submitted Entertainment / Celebrities Articles

By AlonsoPierre BRONZE
Garden City, Kansas

I just watched the video of Miley Cyrus smoking Salvia. I’m sure this is old news; however, I’m not sure how to take it. There are several comments swaying both ways (e.g. should b...
AlonsoPierre BRONZE, Garden City, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Palrice8 PLATINUM, Lynn, Massachusetts
48 articles 4 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Face the downs and be grateful for the ups." - David Archuleta

tricksterr BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
Kristin.......... BRONZE, Louisville, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When you are not paracticing, remember someone, somewhere is practicing and when you meet them...
They will win.
-Ed (Louisville Speech and Debate team)

By zachary levesque BRONZE
Coventry, Rhode Island
zachary levesque BRONZE, Coventry, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
Fate98 GOLD, Glasgow, Other
11 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn’t about how popular you are… What girl or boy you are dating or who you know. Life is about always being true to who you are or what you believe in. Never let anyone convince you that their way is better than your way. In the end all we have is our hearts.. and our minds. This is the reason we sing.. this is the reason we cry… this is why we live." - Andy six"

princeofsparx DIAMOND, Manhattan, New York
57 articles 8 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Those who reach for the stars should never forget the flowers that bloom at their feet.

thecheerleader212 BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Without tragedy, there would be no compassion.

jadecaruso BRONZE, Roebling, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments