Turntism | Teen Ink


May 8, 2014
By aisaiK BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
aisaiK BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Promises mean everything, but after they are broken, sorry means nothing.
- Unknown

never under estimate a girl
Beauty tamed the Beast
Ariel left the sea
we're stronger than you think


Our generation is full of people who love to party, I’m not saying that everyone does but most teens nowadays do. And that is where my “ism” stems from. Turntism is the act of excessively partying or turning up. It is a result of many different things like peer pressure, Carelessness and the lack of parental guidance.

I think the lack of parental guidance is one of the biggest reasons why turnt-ism“exists”. A lot of teens nowadays have way too much freedom, they can do whatever they want whenever they want to. Like “turning up”. Turning up usually has something to do with either drinking or doing drugs or something else that is considered “fun”. This is usually where the peer pressure comes in. Picture this you and your friends are all hanging out and someone decides to bring a bottle of vodka. Your friends all pour a cup and start drinking, you’re not so sure if you want to do the same but you don’t want to sit there like an oddball so you pour a cup as well. Nobody actually forced you to drink but you didn’t want to be ostracized or made fun of or called a party pooper so you did what everyone else was doing the “cool” thing to do. I’m pretty sure everyone has been pressured to do something they weren’t so sure of or didn’t want to do. In my eyes peer pressure is a tool that stronger minded people use to control the weak. I think it can be done knowingly and unknowingly, by force or just by having people that look up to you in some way and want to do the things you do.

The lack of Parental guidance is a pretty important piece to this puzzle, like I said before teens nowadays have way too much freedom. Parents are allowing this to happen, letting their children stay out till the break of dawn, or maybe even letting them “turn- up’ at home. Parents are supposed to be strong reliable enforcers but are instead being too much like friends or buddies to their children. Not letting them know what is right and wrong, or what is appropriate and inappropriate. And because the parents don’t care neither do the teens they think it is okay to drink, party, engage in sexual acts, do drugs, and put twerking videos on the internet. Not only is it illegal for people under the age of 21 to drink, it’s also not good or healthy. Our brains are not yet fully developed and drinking can lead to depression and many other health problems like failure of vital organs. Drinking can also take people down roads that are not easy to recover from. Like having unprotected sex which could possibly result in pregnancy and that is a MAJOR dilemma. Or Like stripping and table dancing at a party, not as major but I can only imagine how embarrassing that would be. As for the twerking, which has somehow become a worldwide sensation, I personally would never upload a video of myself doing that. I really think it’s degrading, and what’s the point? A few likes or retweets?

In our generation there is lack of motivation succeed, and now more than ever in order to really be successful you need an education. I have met a few people this year who honestly don’t care about how their lives end up, and have absolutely no goals. They would rather do other things than go to school and get the tools needed to be fruitful. Like Dr.Rawls said you get good at doing the things you do the most. If your turning up all the time when is there time for the more important things like school…actually not the time because there’s always time. When will you actually WANT to do the things that will really matter in the future? Ten years from now nobody is going to care about the various parties you’ve been to or how many people you can sleep with in one night or the numerous amount of molly’s you’ve popped or how many tattoos you have or the number followers you have on twitter and Instagram or the number of shots you can take without throwing up because those things aren’t important and they won’t matter.

My parents tell me stories about when they were young and it was not as bad as it is now. I think every generation is getting a little more out of control than the one before, and I definitely think it will get worse. Like my nana says “The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree” so imagine, if our generation is this way how will the next one be? If you are used to turning up and doing what you want to do don’t you think your children will turn out the same way, or possibly worse? With all the new technology and things that will most likely come out who knows what the future holds. I’m hoping for the best but expecting the worse.

The author's comments:
This is a project that i had to do for my 19th grade honors English class. We had to create an "ism" that we thought best represented our generation . This is my speech.

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