Drinking Limit Should Not Be Lowered | Teen Ink

Drinking Limit Should Not Be Lowered

May 31, 2024
By Flexx BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
Flexx BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The age limit for drinking should not be lowered. It can lead to multiple future issues like alcoholism at a young age, and bad overall health. Alcohol has been the lead cause for multiple car accidents throughout history, and it has claimed many lives of the people who developed early addiction. I met a guy who I actually became close with for a little while, he's only one year older than me at the time so he was 18. A young teen like me who had developed an early drinking habit. He eventually got kidney stones at only 18 and he needed surgery. Sadly there are many people who deal with the same issues. According to cdc.gov they state “drinking by those under 21 are linked with Death from alcohol poisoning,Unintentional injuries, such as car crashes,  falls, burns, and drowning.,’’ Unfortunately the list goes on, but i'm sure you get the point, alcohol negatively impacts both mental and physical health as it damages organs but it also leads to deaths from alcohol poisoning and car crashes.

Unfortunately enough young teens get in fatal car accidents often. Whether it can be due to lack of experience or a lack of proper road knowledge one thing's for sure,27 % of them were solely based on drinking and driving, according to Teendriversource.com the statistics of 2021 teen car crashes ‘“In 2021, 27% of young drivers (ages15-20) involved in fatal crashes had blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) of .01 g/dL or higher; 22%  of those young drivers had BACs of .08 g/dL or higher.’’ And even though 27% may not seem like a lot there were 2116 fatal accidents meaning 573 of those accidents were due to alcohol, in just 1 year! So how can we prevent this besides keeping the drinking limit at 21? An effective way can be to educate teens about the consequences of drinking and driving. Sharing real life stories, statistics and experiences can go a long while teens are still seeking guidance. Another way is to have a designated driver if you are going to parties and know you're going to be drinking. This will prevent any chance of drinking while driving and go a long way with preventing any accidents. The University Of Missouri Health Care says that “Do not let friends drive after drinking. Take their keys. If you have been drinking, get a ride home from a friend who has not been drinking or call a taxi.” They are encouraging behavior and responsibility, if you've seen your friend drinking do not let them drive later. Ask them if they have a safe ride. You can prevent a fatal car crash and save not only your friends life but also the others who may accidentally get rammed.  Make sure to always track how much you drink as well, it's said that it's easy to forget how many drinks you had once you break your tolerance and it can lead to even more alcohol. This can lead to blackouts and may cause unnecessary injury.

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