Homosexuality Is Not A Mental Disorder | Teen Ink

Homosexuality Is Not A Mental Disorder

March 20, 2016
By KY_Chan BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
KY_Chan BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You always say that being "straight" is the norm in a society. In fact, most people identify this way. However, sometimes there are some people among a small community where they are the complete opposite, the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender community. In some parts of the world, it's respected, while other parts see it as a disease. However, homosexuality is not a mental disorder. It is not harmful, it is natural, and makes LGBT people who they are; themself. Some may consider being gay is a sin because it goes against the different religious beliefs. Despite that, being gay isn't bad, it's good for many reasons.
Being gay won't kill you. Homosexuality is not a virus of some sort. If it were, then the world would be experiencing a pandemic by now. You probably have never seen a gay person sneeze in front of a straight person, and "infecting" them with the gay virus. There is no proof that a disease can turn you into a homosexual. Sure they can be overwhelmed and stressed by the pressure around, but it’s not because of them. It’s because of the people around.

Sexuality is determined from inside the womb, so you can't change it. A study shows that most young teens who go through strange feelings from a young age tend to identify as a homosexual later on, while the rest of the teens say that it was just a phase from puberty. This is either caused by a genetic modification, or is changed by the environment. Despite that, sexuality is both fixed and fluid, so it changes throughout periods of time. Has anyone ever suddenly woke up and said they turned from straight to gay in one night? Probably not. None of your friends would have said that. Also, some people try and seek conversion therapies in hopes to change their orientation. Some may experience a lot of pain due to shock therapy, while others take medication hoping that the chemicals would change the brain. All of these are ignorant acts due to the fact that they might cause defects in your brain. You wouldn’t want to risk your brain on the line just to “cure” homosexuality.

Because sexuality is determined beforehand, it shows the person you are. You can't change your sexuality for others just to get attention. Fitting in is the one thing you want to do, yet you always feel odd afterwards. This is because you’re acting like someone else, not yourself. You’re trying to fit into someone’s shoe, when you can only fit into yours. Changing yourself for someone isn’t the brightest idea. Be proud to be yourself; you’re unique in some way.

In some communities, homosexuality is known as a sin because it defies most religious beliefs. According to the Old Testament in the Bible, Jesus says that man can never be with a man, as it's an abomination, and vice versa for women. In Buddhism, it's not really considered as a sin, since the message of Buddhism is to promote happiness and the well-being of a human. There is no evidence that Buddha is against homosexuality. Another reason that homosexuality is considered bad would be the culture beliefs. Most Asian countries don’t like seeing homosexual people walking down the streets, with their fingers interlaced. However, ignoring all those reasons, homosexuality isn't bad. It doesn't do harm to one's self. Even though their community doesn't like the idea of it, that doesn’t mean they should change their self to blend in.

Regarding all the reasons, the LGBT group is proud to be out and open. No one should be judged because their little "illness" is in fact natural, harmless, and it makes them who they are. They shouldn't care what the haters think because they stand for themselves. Being a bit unique amongst seven billion people isn’t that horrifying; you just have a few more reasons to say you’re human.

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lottie_d said...
on May. 15 2023 at 2:59 am
lottie_d, Hereford, Other
0 articles 0 photos 176 comments
Great point!!