Equality | Teen Ink


March 20, 2016
By giselesanchez_ BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
giselesanchez_ BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

2016, our year to change the world, and finally free ourselves from the idea that perfection exist. In todays society, people should not be able to judge others based on their race, gender, or sexuality. The only thing that should determine my choice of life style or back ground is ME!

Many people have risked their lives standing up for something they believe in. Susan B. Anthony, an ambitious woman who took part in the anti-slavery movement, the only thing stopping her was that she was a  woman. This burden made her come to the realization that, she as a woman was limited. She didn’t have the right to vote or voice her opinions that later changed the world. Martin Luther King Jr., he lived his entire childhood being waved off by the neighbors who had forbidden their children from befriending Martin, or any other African American for that matter. Kimball Allen, a young journalist that grew up in an orthodox religious family who believed that the gay rights movement was disgrace to god. Growing up, Kimball knew that the only disgrace was his parent believing that not everyone had the right to marry who they loved. No matter the gender.

Gender Equality
Women and Men, the two very contrasting things that run the world. In many peoples eyes, women are vulnerable and weak, in reality that couldn’t be farther from the truth. These so called  ‘weak’ women have the ability to do anything a man can do. Not only do I feel very strongly about this topic because I am a  young lady myself but, the idea that women and men are not equal simply because of peoples misconceptions of  who is strong and who is weak seems all so juvenile! As for men, the struggle may not be because of their strength, but the opposite. If men do as little as show an inch of emotion, society says that he’s jeopardizing his masculinity simply because of the belief that emotion is feminine, and being feminine is wrong.

No one will ever really understand the pain and agony of the poor lives that had no choice but to live in silence in those times when slavery seemed to be at its worse. To think that the color of their skin defined their humanity or whether or not they deserved the same rights as a white man is nonsense. They shouldn’t have been categorized as ‘bad’ just because they don’t share the same complexion as others. Today you would think that all of the violence caused by racism would be over, but it seems as though history is repeating itself.


I can’t tell you about what it feels like or how sparks supposedly fly with something as little as the touch of your fingertips, but I can tell you that it never dies. It’s an ongoing thing that never stops to think about society’s opinions or ideas. Although this seems to be ‘oh-so-great’, there is a bad side to every thing. Like anything else in the world, some people won’t accept the idea that everyone should be able to have an option t chose what makes them happy, whether it’s a boy or girl is only the decision that only one person can make ..you. Many people say that they are only living by their religion, yes, another controversial thing that the world can’t seem to agree on. It isn’t wrong to love, no matter any ones words or beliefs, but I can’t seem to wrap my head around the idea that because you are attracted to the same gender, you’re a disgrace to god. I mean,  who I marry, should not, and will not define me or my place in the world.

Fare well
I like to think that some day, whether I may be dead or alive, everyone will be equal. No one shall discriminate anyone simply because of their choice of life style or something they have no control over. So here I am giving my opinion on equality, and try to inspire others to become better at accepting others and who they are. Fare well good friends, I shall see you in the future, good luck changing the world.

The author's comments:

To quickly summerize this peice let me just say that you are not defined by your gender, sexuality, or race.

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on Apr. 13 2016 at 7:46 pm
giselesanchez_ BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Thank you so much for you kind gesture, it means a lot that you have taken the time out of your day to comment such nice words !!

proud said...
on Mar. 23 2016 at 9:54 am
What an awesome job.. great to see that young generation see others with an open mind

Meredith said...
on Mar. 22 2016 at 9:45 pm
This article is so true! If only everyone could read this!!! Please keep writing because this was incredibly inspiring!

Mexigirl said...
on Mar. 22 2016 at 8:49 pm
Awesome job..

Lulutx said...
on Mar. 22 2016 at 7:35 pm
You make a very good point for being such a young person. Very impressive.