teen drivers, no phones? | Teen Ink

teen drivers, no phones?

December 14, 2012
By franksb BRONZE, Saline, Michigan
franksb BRONZE, Saline, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you ever use your cell phone while driving? Whether you use your cell phone to make a quick call, find your way around somewhere, or just get home, many people require cell phones every day. States should not ban electronic communication devices from young drivers.
To begin with, how many times have people been in a jam and they didn’t know what to do? They get their cell phone out and call for help. If they couldn’t use their phone while driving a number of things could go wrong. Someone could see a car accident happen or see a woman get mugged, and if that someone couldn’t use his or her phone they wouldn’t be able to tell anyone what they saw. If someone is out driving and a family member gets hurt and has to go to the hospital, and someone tries to call you, you couldn’t use your phone so you wouldn’t know anything about the family member.
In addition to cell phones, there are many distractions in a car. A little brother could be in the car arguing and yelling or you could have friends in the car on the phone yelling or laughing loudly. Your car could have a funny noise to it that distracts you, there could be a fly in your car, and there other drivers on the road. Banning cellphone use for drivers of the age of eighteen and under with a drivers licenses will only make them try harder to hide the use which will in turn make a bigger distraction. Young drivers who are trying to hide the use of electronic communication devices can only lead to bigger distraction.
Not allowing young drivers to use their communication devices is discrimination. States banning cellphone use for eighteen year olds and under is pure discrimination. To become a licensed driver you must take a driving test and pass that test. If both young and old driver have to take the same test, there is no difference between the two drivers.
In conclusion, young drivers should be able to use electronic communication devices while driving. Many things could happen when you’re away from home. Have your phone on you, you never know when you will need it. Accidents could happen. you could get lost. Teen drivers have done the same thing to get their licenses as adults.

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