Racism in Publishing | Teen Ink

Racism in Publishing

May 16, 2021
By amabaffour BRONZE, Woods Cross, Utah
amabaffour BRONZE, Woods Cross, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A lot of black authors and books about race and culture have dominated the publishing industry, but racism is still very prevalent in the publishing industry. Many black authors in this industry are often overlooked or they are not able to get their books published if a white person is not the protagonist. Author Kerri K. Greenidge was told that nobody would want to publish her book unless she was writing about slavery or the busing crisis.

Many black authors that send their manuscripts to publishing companies often get no response, simply because publishing companies do not want to publish a book about a black character. Publishers look at books written by black authors differently than they do with books written by white authors. I think more conversations need to be had about this. As a country we need to start talking more about biases and this kind of discrimination.

A resolution to this problem that I would propose is opening up more black owned publishing companies. Companies that are more so targeted towards black audiences. A company that will publish books about black people written by black people, the kind of books white publishing companies refuse to publish.

The author's comments:

This is an essay I wrote for English class.

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