The Failures of the Trump Administration’s Immigration Policy | Teen Ink

The Failures of the Trump Administration’s Immigration Policy

March 9, 2017
By caldar BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
caldar BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I strongly disagree with the Trump Administration’s Immigration Policy. I have been a Republican all my life, even before I could vote. I have always agreed with Conservative issues, which is quite funny because I could not vote, but I still had a strong opinion on most issues. There is one issue that I have a hard time agreeing with my party, and the issue is immigration because I do not feel it is right to deport mothers and fathers of citizens.

Trump’s immigration policy is the worst because it is ripping families apart. I realize nations need borders and national security, but I do not feel the government should be deporting parents of citizens. Our constitution says if you’re born in the United States, you are a United States citizen. I just can not agree with the fact children are losing their parents. I do not care if they are illegal immigrants. If they had children in the United States and did not commit a crime, they should be able to raise their families in America. I do not consider illegal immigrants criminals unless they had committed a crime other than coming across the border. They wanted a better life for their families. I feel only the dangerous criminals should be deported. I feel we should keep birth right citizenship and give parents a path to legal residency, not citizenship. I feel that all children of illegal immigrants deserve their parents and should not have to worry about losing them. As well as unethical, I feel Trump’s policy will increase the national debt.

The Trump Administration has decreased debt, but I feel it will go back up when we try to pay for the mass deportations President Trump is trying to complete. The national debt is still way too high and will never be lowered enough to put us back above zero because of all the policies and economies it would affect, and I feel that the immigration policy is one of the policies hurting the national debt.

The Trump Administration is hurting families with its immigration policies, including deportations and hurting the economy. I strongly agree this immigration will not work, and I stand with the judges who are blocking the travel ban. I agree with the democrats on this issue that we should not be breaking apart families, even though I am still very much a Rep.

The author's comments:

I really am dissappointed in the Trump Administration's policy on immigration because if I was a son of an illegal immigrant, I would not want the government to take my parents away. I am really saddened by every story I hear involving the arrest of an illegal immigrant and finding out it was the father or mother of child who was born in the United States, making the child a United States citizen. I hope the people reading this open their eyes and see what the Trump administration is doing to immigrant families.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 17 2020 at 2:33 pm
Genevieve_C BRONZE, New York, New York
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." -Les Brown

I think your article is very open-minded and enjoyable. I also think that people put far too much stress on doing unethical things, like separating families, solely because immigrants are illegal. Great work on this!