Make America Great Again: Trump vs. Hillary | Teen Ink

Make America Great Again: Trump vs. Hillary

May 28, 2016
By Alex.Oh BRONZE, New York, New York
Alex.Oh BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Donald Trump has been married multiple times and has made sexist and racist comments in public. Many believe that he is even more unlikeable in private that he already is in public. Hillary Clinton is accused of sending unsecured emails and risking national security. Many people also believe that she has lied both publicly and privately about things she has done, such as taking large amounts of money for making speeches at private companies. Many people believe that neither of the 2016 presidential candidates are fit to be president due to the things that they have said and done. While it might be true that they are not likeable individuals, if they do a good job as president then none of this should matter.

As long as our leaders are doing their jobs in office to the best of their abilities, they are doing what they should be doing. What they do in their private and public lives should not affect us. For example, if a president had an affair we could have our opinions on it but it is not our business if it is not negatively affecting the country as a whole. This is the president’s private life so unless he does something to endanger you personally or the country then it should not matter.

Throughout history, many great leaders behaved badly in their personal lives, even though they did positive things for their countries or organizations.

Rob Ford, the Toronto mayor, did drugs such as crack in his private life, yet at the same time, many people believed that he was a very great mayor and leader. Thomas Jefferson was known as one of the greatest people in America’s history but on the other hand fathered children with his slaves. Bill Clinton had an affair that many people thought was bad but some people still consider him to be one of the America’s best presidents.

So, although both Trump and Clinton are not well liked and might not be the most ideal or nicest people,there is a chance that one of them could become one of the greatest presidents in American history.

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Could Trump or Hillary be the next great president?

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