Statehood | Teen Ink


January 8, 2016
By FUREJ BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
FUREJ BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Take a look at the american flag. How many stars do you see? Its 50, not 51, 52. What many don’t know about this tiny island called puerto rico, is that it has been under united states control since the 1940s after world war 2. though they are apart of the USA, they have little say in the voting of political members. people have been debating the statehood of puerto rico for decades, but no action has been taken, and it should stay that way. puerto rico is not fit for statehood because of its financial crisis, failing government, and growing crime rate. Many people like us don’t look at the whole situation before jumping into a quick and easy solution.

The island is over 300 million dollars in debt. A recent study by USA today concluded “The United States commonwealth is in debt of 72 billion dollars in over 6 countries, puerto rico’s debt is at 311 million.”(Davidson and Brackett) The study shows that the fine that the island is facing themselves, and the US debt, will not mix well if puerto rico becomes a state. The debt that our country can’t pay off right now is more than enough to deal with. Another study by the(Alvarez)showed us that despite the aid of their government by our government, the debt is expected to increase by 13% each year. There is one way this problem is headed.

The failing government doesn’t help Puerto Rico’s case either. Multiple studies show that “problems may increase as the country's economy continues to fail.”(Davidson and Brackett) The government of puerto Rico seeks help from our country because logically they do not have their own government. researchers found that the government doesn’t take care of their islandDavidson and Brackett). Through this reason i believe that the government of puerto rico is actually a bigger problem than the growing financial crisis. Even  though the financial crisis is a big deal, the USA earns millions of dollars every year.

The crime rate of puerto rico is a huge problem as well. One of the studies that I found was that “ the crime in puerto rico is mainly driven by the growing drug trade all around the caribbean”(“Puerto Rico News from Huffington Post”). The drug use of the caribbean, mainly marijuana, has taken over the caribbean in the past 20 or so years. puerto rico’s crime rate is about 16% more dangerous than the USA“Puerto Rico News from Huffington Post”. The drug trade in the caribbean mainly exists around southern bahamas to jamaica, with the island we call puerto rico sitting right between them.

There is another side to this though, so let me address it. Some would say that puerto rico can be helped by the us, and since its us territory like the other states it should be one. I completely disagree. puerto rico is a country with a financial crisis that increases and is almost just as bad as the united states problem with money. Other people could say that if territories are thriving like the virgin islands, samoa, and fiji, why isn’t puerto rico? the island of puerto rico has had its problems long before the us took over. also, people could say we owe them an apology for how we have treated them. the least we could do is make them an independent country so we don’t have loose weight hanging off our butts.

I think these are pretty reasonable to consider at the least. most people don’t know anything on this topic,but they will after they read my essay. Not all territories are accounted for. so next time you stare at the flag during a national anthem or  pledge of allegiance, there are 50 stars, not 51. puerto rico is not and never will be a state.

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