Ebola | Teen Ink


September 30, 2014
By Anonymous

About 2 Months ago, 30 year old Joelle Lockwood fought with her boyfriend and left to have a drink. She wandered the streets intoxicated and was offered a ride by a close family friend, she was with the family friends for a while. When she got up to leave, she was gassed with hydrochloride and made unconscious.

When Lockwood woke up, she was tied to a bed with all of her clothes ripped off. Throughout the month the month,she was repeatedly beaten and raped. They had her ziptied to the bed, or held in a wooden cage. Her kidnappers treated her as if she was a dog, she was forced to wear a collar with a leash connected to it. She was given very little food and water to survive on.

One day, the kidnappers invited a man named Ronald Higgs over to their mobile home. They had a good time up until the couple that kidnapped her mentioned that they had a woman in a cage. Ronald tried to buy the women’s freedom, but that didn't work. In fact, The kidnapper pulled a gun on the 60 year old man. Ronald thought quick, he headbuttedone of the kidnappers and took the girl with him.

The couple that kidnapped Lockwood, are both facing more than 14 counts of rape, kidnapping, and other charges. They are expected to rot in jail, because of their many charges. Do you think they deserve it all?

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This article has 1 comment.

LTorpey said...
on Nov. 8 2014 at 4:30 pm
Why on earth has this article been titled Ebola? Care to elaborate on that?