Should We Unite the World? | Teen Ink

Should We Unite the World?

July 18, 2011
By Adi12345 PLATINUM, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey
Adi12345 PLATINUM, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey
36 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Helplessness and uncertainty hanging all around. Tears of families flooding the house. Bombs and explosions reducing houses to ashes. Tomorrow just seems too far away. Homeless people desperately hang on, fighting to survive, and restraining the will to close their eyes once and for all. Did you know that more than 10 million people died in wars, while millions of homes and acres of land were destroyed? Is it really necessary? Was mankind created to extinguish its own race? The world was formed as one large body. Man split the world into 195 countries. Has the time come where we should consider reforming the countries into one world? The world should reunite to protect Earth from threats, improve the world’s economy, and create a sense of unity.

To begin with, the concord of the world creates can be advantageous in defending Earth from extra-terrestrial threats, defending Earth from global warming, and defending Earth from natural disasters. Don’t we all need to work together to obstruct extra-terrestrial threats? For example, threats of the UFO are still at large. In the book, The Real Story of Unidentified Flying Objects, authors Jim and Carol Lorenzo charge that the CIA has bribed and threatened citizens who have spotted the UFO so that they would keep quiet. Barry Goldwater, a retired Air Force General testifies, “I certainly believe in aliens in space. They may not look like us, but I have very strong feelings that they have advanced beyond our mental capabilities.” Countless more are willing to bet on their lives that more sophisticated creatures than humans exist out in the universe and are out to get Earth dwellers. Even if you don’t believe in the UFO, you can’t deny that recent studies have proven that an asteroid, Aprophis, crosses Earth’s orbit. The chance of the Aprophis colliding with Earth is now up to 1/45000 and increasing! All over the world, if we combine ideas, Earth can find a way to defend itself from extra-terrestrial threats. Perhaps, we can become a UFO to another planet!

If you suggest extra-terrestrial threats are stretching the limits of reality, how about a virtual catastrophe? Global warming is only one of countless manmade crises arising inside of Earth. Global warming’s effects are cataclysmic, including the increase of flooding, increase of disease, and increase of temperature extremity. Already, global warming’s risk is starting to fade because of the Kyoto Protocol. In an event which occurred in 1997, representatives from 160 countries met at Kyoto, Japan to draft an agreement, the Kyoto Protocol. This agreement restricted the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Inarguably, you can conclude that the unity of the other 35 countries would’ve reduced global warming risks even further. Of course, there is the well dreaded calamity, December 21, 2012, that the Mayan calendar predicted. Let’s say that 2012 is the climax of Earth’s troubles. As displayed in the movie, 2012, China alone built ships to rescue several hundred people. If one country alone can do that much, visualize how much we could do to protect Earth, and how many more grateful people we can rescue from the jaws of death if the whole world works together. The unity of the world can protect Earth from all types of threats, internal and external.

In addition to protecting Earth, uniting the world will greatly improve the economy of the world. This can be achieved because of the increased speed of advancement, a greater availability of goods, and a greater network of ideas. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb with two people helping him. Alexander Fleming invented penicillin with just a few helpers. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone all by himself. If all these people are only few of the millions of inventors who could invent objects that totally transformed life, then what can a country working together invent? A bounty of countries? An entire world? Teachers constantly holler over chatting, “If you work as a group, you will get more done!” If this is true, a world bonding can achieve beyond the imaginable! Moreover, an amalgamated world will ensure the prevalence of more goods. To get a better picture, let’s travel back to the Middle Ages. At this point, there was no refrigeration. Thus, folks craved for spices to cover up bad taste in meals. They began trading with Central Asia via the Silk Road. Along with the spices, they also exchanged silk, jewels, gold and silver, and religions. The Silk Road was a road of success for Europe, until China totally dominated and shut down the road. If The Silk Road continued to remain open, Europe would’ve continued to thrive. Today, humans have refrigeration. They don’t need a Silk Road for dramatically improving their lives. Yet, these days, humans are very interested in souvenirs, cultural artifacts, and other collectibles that can’t be commonly found in a certain region of the world. As a result, if some people just discovered an African instrument they had never seen before, instinctually, they would be willing to buy it. Using this process, slowly, the economy will increase, and more goods will be sold. If you claim that people won’t be interested in buying unusual objects, or that uniting the world will not really contribute to the increase of the economy, you are wrong.

If you don’t believe that people aren’t interested in other cultures and their goods, take a look at the past. Buddhism, a religion started in India, has spread throughout China and throughout the world, causing people to purchase miniature idols of Buddha. This will cause others to become interested, and subsequently result in a chain reaction. If the world unites, you won’t have to worry about what Europe had to worry about when China shut down the Silk Road. Goods will still float about when the world unites because there will be absolutely no point in keeping all materials and resources to themselves. No one is competing for anything such as the victory of a war or the advances in technology, so no one will be a miser. Ultimately, the unity of the world will provoke the widespread of ideas, such as religions, stories, and moral beliefs. Philosophers create ideas. Ideas create books. Books and written ideas have captured an awesome amount of attention in history, especially today. Even the United States only ties for 21st (with 25 other countries) in the world with a 99% literacy rate! This proves how popular literature has become in the world. If we all join together as a world, different types of ideas and literature will become commonly available and appreciated by the public. As a result, the literary field will aid the rapid regrowth of the economy. In brief, the economy of the world will be improved because of faster achievements and a greater accessibility of goods and ideas.

Moreover, the reformation of the world as one also generates a sense of unity amongst humans. This will decrease racism and segregation, abet the unfortunate, and decrease wars. Let’s start with racism. It has existed as far as you can trace back the earliest human civilizations. You would think that after all that America’s gone through, and all that protesting, racism would’ve stopped, right? Wrong. Just on October 21, 2010, Daron Lee, an African American councilman, was feeling affronted. He claimed, “I am not working in a cotton field.” Rather rudely, Councilman John Williams retorted, “Well, you should be,” indicating to Lee’s enslaved ancestors. Extremely hurt, Lee stormed out of the room. As you can see, racism has not gone yet, and is still influencing the way people think and act. But ask yourself this. Is it really necessary? Do we need to constantly relish the displeasures and misfortunes of our own kind? If the world is united as one country, people will have more access to others’ cultures and lifestyles. This will provoke tolerance, acceptance, and reverence rather than aggravating racism. A critical point, creating a sense of unity will also majorly assist the poor, needy, and disabled. In the city of Calcutta, India, approximately 1.5 million slums are desperately foraging, starving for days in a row at times. Sadly, the government has concluded that they couldn’t afford to assist the needy. If 1.5 million people are beseeching for food just in one city, how many are there out in the world? Simply try going for one day without food. Can you do it? How will the beggars manage starvation? These questions are going to be commonly spread around if the world unites, and people have more access to others’ miseries. America facilitated abundant numbers of Haiti residents after an earthquake, which they were highly gratuitous for. If all liberal people in the world chipped in to help one another, the world will be distributing a lot more contentment and a lot less tension. A sense of unity will also have another major benefit; the depletion of wars, deaths, and devastation. Throughout the course of history, how many wars have there been? The Civil War, the Revolutionary War, Vietnam War, World War I, and World War II are only few of the hundreds of wars that planet Earth was constrained to endure. Each war causes an alarming number of deaths, and the death toll has only increased as technology has improved. Each death causes an alarming number of tears to leak from loved ones. Grief can be powerful; so powerful as to cause more men to enlist in armies for revenge, in turn causing more unnecessary deaths, and more grief. It’s a chain that should and can be broken by instantly uniting the Earth. Of course, whether or not you realize it, each war, or even battle, causes major devastation.

For example, in 1941, Japan led a siege on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which is a city in America. Lasting two hours, the siege left 2403 dead, 188 planes destroyed, 8 battle ships severely damaged, and major chaos. If a relatively minor attack like the Pearl Harbor incident caused so much damage, and nearly wiped out all of the island’s natural and manmade erections, then what will a war lasting for several decades do? Wars also raze shelters. Therefore, innocent people’s homes are reduced to dust, and the people are left to attempt to survive out of the rubble. We are annihilating our own kind. We are blowing up petty matters that can peacefully be discussed into wars. In other words, what started in Pearl Harbor ended as an atomic bomb dropping in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Should we continue allowing tears to shed from our own kind? Should we continue allowing the world to expand insignificant matters into vicious wars? It is true that a majority of the weapons were designed and invented during wars. It is also true that numerous aircrafts were built during wars. Just in World War II, 81 aircraft production centers prospered! It is not deniable that humans made unimaginable strides during wars, such as the invention of the atomic bomb. Nonetheless, we are not using the weapons for the right purposes. Instead of peacefully remonstrating, Libyans rebellions are sending bomber jets! Inventions fashioned during wars were just used to finish off our own kind. We would’ve done just as well without them. What was the point of advanced destructive inventions? Equivalent results could have been achieved with one piece of paper; a peace treaty. Uniting the world can provide humans with a better sense of harmony, which can be advantageous in several aspects.

Hence, the unity of the world creates a stronger bond between Earth dwellers, thus providing ostensibly insurmountable advantages. As Mahatma Gandhi once told, “An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.” However, perhaps, we are already blind, as we don’t see what we should be seeing. It is time we open our eyes and face the truth out there. We, humans, are divided into so many parts. How much more can we attain if we join forces? How much more can we accomplish if we can wake up every day not being apprehensive of a bomb dropping above your head? How much more can we achieve if we amalgamate the world? It’s time to change our ways. It’s time to defend our Earth. It’s time to unite the world.

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KalokaGirl said...
on Oct. 5 2015 at 6:24 am
I love the story. .. I think i'm in love!! The story was so good and u are a great writer. .. mwuaaah