The Virtual Environment; Our Own Science-Fiction Story | Teen Ink

The Virtual Environment; Our Own Science-Fiction Story

May 18, 2021
By mango963 BRONZE, Bangalore, Other
mango963 BRONZE, Bangalore, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

            The spring break of my 8th grade was spent discovering the best places in which to lounge about within my Dadi’s Lucknow home. Time felt different there; slower somehow, and as the hours dripped by, I spent my time engrossed in my newest obsession; online literary magazines. One such science-fiction short story I read during this time was titled “Patient Zero”. Published in the iconic Lightspeed Magazine, the tale centres around a 10-year-old boy that has been quarantined for contracting a strange, deadly virus that has infected the world. As the story progresses, we further understand the heart-breaking situation through his diary entries, concluding in an apology to his various deceased caretakers as he steps outside of the hospital, inadvertently exposing his sickness to the world. Little did I know that weeks later, an eerily similar story would play out across the globe. As the world shut down in the wake of COVID-19, everything changed. We braved forced lockdowns, learning a variety of skills, including how to wear a mask properly, attend an online lesson, as well as remain at least partially sane when confined to the same room for over two weeks. During this crisis, we also developed a deep appreciation for the internet, as it has allowed us to stay connected and socially active even when physically distant. Humanity adapted admirably quickly; utilizing these technology-based platforms in order to effectively simulate physical interactions. It is within this same virtual environment that I have changed as an individual over the last 14 months.


            On a personal level, the virtual environment has certainly affected me both mentally and physically. With pools closed, I was itching to exercise, and throughout the quarantine experience I have certainly become physically stronger by following online workouts. However, there have been negative effects as well. With online classes, I often would let the lines between worktime and free-time blur; often refusing to take breaks and working on tasks well into the night to the detriment of my health and sleep-cycle. Simultaneously, in my zest to maintain academic excellence, I ended up clocking over 12 hours of screen time daily; whether my eyes be glued to a lecture, homework document, or YouTube video. This development has forced me to self-reflect, independently taking my health back into my own hands through the utilization of time management strategies, curbing the impact the virtual environment has had on my well-being.


            My interactions with my peers and social circle certainly underwent the most dramatic change during this time period. After the initial shock of not being able to socialize in-person, with help of virtual interfaces including Instagram and WhatsApp we quickly adapted to the situation. Where we once swapped sidelong glances and giggles galore, we now trade tweets and TikToks.  Maintaining my relationships with my friends now required more effort in reaching out and checking in on one another; a process that I believe has made us more compassionate as individuals. Personally, while I’ve always had a great deal of respect for my teachers, it is only during this pandemic that I’ve even come close to understanding the sheer amount of effort their jobs require. Everyone has struggled during this situation, and while it is only natural to undergo stress and emotional hardships, they always showed up to our Teams classes with a bright smile; encouraging us students to continue being motivated and interested learners. In regard to my relationship with my relatives, this pandemic has certainly been difficult. It is within these 18 months that I’ve had my first experiences with death, with the passing of my Dada. The virtual environment once again played a significant role in this process for my family, as we sought comfort through video communication with relatives overseas or otherwise.

            Finally, the virtual environment has certainly impacted my perception of society as a whole. While previously I had adopted a staunchly cynical attitude towards the prospective future of mankind, our collective triumph over this adversary in less than 2 years through the advent of rational thought, scientific collaboration, and emotional support has instilled within me the belief that we do have the ability to overcome all issues, including climate change, war, and discrimination, if only we put our minds towards it.

            To conclude, I would like to reference a famous conversation between US president Ronald Reagan and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev. The president asked Mr. Gorbachev point-blank, “What would you do if the United States were suddenly attacked by someone from outer space? Would you help us?”. “No doubt about it”, an amused Gorbachev responded. While it is probable that in the future, humanity will be faced once again by situations seemingly pulled from the world of science fiction, it is our responsibility to utilize technology in order to promote collaboration between nations and individuals alike.

The author's comments:

I am a freshman in Bangalore, India.

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