What Is the Reason for All the Gun Violence? | Teen Ink

What Is the Reason for All the Gun Violence?

May 23, 2019
By Lil_Lou24 BRONZE, Oakland, California
Lil_Lou24 BRONZE, Oakland, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Gun violence is a horrific event that happens a lot. A lot of gun violence is because of males that are rough. Not all males are rough but most of them are because they are taught that they should be “manly”. Males are committing a lot of homicides because men are socialized to be rougher, males usually think they have to be rough or act tough, and young men have violent tendencies because some video games promote gun violence and killing, or they playing rough with their friends or they are just taught by society.

Males are rougher than women because they are taught that they have to be rough or they will be called “sissy” or “a little girl”. According to “The Overwhelming Maleness of Mass Homicide” by Erika Christakis, “Males more than females who play-fight, bully, fight for real, kill for real,...” If male are rougher then they will be more likely to kill someone or, have no heart if it comes to that.

Males usually think they have to act tough. Erika Christakis states, “Politicians point fingers about “society run amok” and “cultures of despair.” If males are taught that they have to be tough, then they may be more violent, or they will think they get respect from a gun cause they can kill someone with it easy.

Young men have violent tendencies. “A real man is strong.” This is from a documentary called “Tough Guise” which mean that even men think that they have to be muscular. If young men have violent tendencies then they will be more violent like they may be more prone to fighting or being rough.

We can help boys be less rough. If boys were less rough most likely there would be fewer homicides by males. If boys are tough to be less rough then you won't have to worry about boys or men fighting because that can lead to guns.

We can raise kids so they don’t feel like they can't express their feelings. Kids will be able to have their own feelings and express themselves more. If kids are not raised to be “manly” then they would know that violence isn’t good.

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