Handling Responsibilites | Teen Ink

Handling Responsibilites

May 24, 2018
By megidulaku BRONZE, Tirana, Other
megidulaku BRONZE, Tirana, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since I was a child, every family gathering such as meals and celebrations which I would attend, my parents and uncles would always discuss about how our family businesses were going.

“Megi, you should listen to our conversation as when you grow older this will be something which you will carry over.” my uncles and father would repeatedly exclaim.

As I grew up, they involved me more into the business. My uncles or father would bring me into different meetings where, I would hear about new business proposals and methods which would be useful along my life. As most children in that age group would be mostly uninterested in these conversations, I, in the contrary, looked forward to them.

Growing up in my family has allowed me to experience new places and has made me capable of being able to make a change in society. One change, was how my family worked towards restoring a couple of churches and monasteries in Voskopoje. Due to how my family's origin is from Korca, they worked towards improving some of Voskopojes main attractions, allowing the city to benefit. Throughout the beginning of this school year, a middle-school and secondary retreat was organized to Voskopoje, giving me a chance to visit a new city. When I went with my school to the retreat in Voskopoje, I didn’t visit the monastery because I wasn’t informed about my family foundations. As I now know that it was something which my family worked towards, I regret not visiting it while I was there, yet it is a destination which I will definitely return to.

Moreover, apart from not visiting the monastery, another thing which I should improve and I shall work towards is to become more involved and know more about my family achievements and to what they have worked towards. I believe that I can achieve this by going more often into worksites to see new projects, studying towards a business degree, and becoming more interested and involved on my family’s works. Even though, due to having the possibilities of starting off with another business instead of continuing my family’s, I believe that continuing their business would be a better opportunity for me to prove myself based on how I will be able to manage it.

Overall, I believe that by going more in depth into my family business and planning for my future, I will be able to manage a number of companies as I get older. Reflecting on how I wasn’t able to visit the monastery founded by my family in Voskopoje has allowed me to think and open up my center of concern as it is something I should have been more interested in. In conclusion, by working towards a bright and positive future alongside taking over the family business, there are many responsibilities and many aspects which I need to improve. As I have been introduced to business throughout the beginning of my childhood, I have always aspired to be able to take over, which is what I plan to do along my future.

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