Alone Again | Teen Ink

Alone Again

March 14, 2018
By Anonymous

I never meant to care about you or love you as much as I do, but what choice did I have? I had no say in the way my heart acted. For years I tried to build those walls and shut everyone out, but you started breaking them. You broke my walls, freed me but left immediately. It was a while ago, but why do I always seem to tear up after I see you? I always end up in my bathroom crying and throwing things in frustration. I promised myself the day after you left that I wouldn’t cry about it, but here we are. I end up in the same situation after we meet, I broke the promise the next day. Maybe it’s why you left, because I couldn’t keep my promises. Or perhaps you couldn’t handle me and my emotions anymore. But then how can you handle her? She’s more expressive than I am, she has more things to cry about. Was I really that much of an annoyance or burden to you? Or was it something else? The part I hate the most is that I don’t even know what went wrong so even if I could go back in time and change things, I wouldn’t know what to change about me. My appalling personality has finally broken me.

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