Gun Laws | Teen Ink

Gun Laws

March 12, 2018
By kyla5543 BRONZE, Williamsport , Pennsylvania
kyla5543 BRONZE, Williamsport , Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear President Trump,

Have you ever wondered how many guns are sold in the U.S.A? Have you ever thought about it?

In 1918, on the gun scale, 892,840 guns were sold, the scales scaled up. In 2012, 16,808,538 guns were sold, the scales rose higher. In the wake of Newtown, shooting in Connecticut, there is a renewed focus on gun control in the U.S.

If guns are keeping us safe, why isn't America safe? Mass shootings have become common. I do not accept regular mass shootings as "normal." Now, in the U.S.A it is easy to be sold a gun. Usually you have to run a background check, it's the law. But in this case, most people who sell guns don't do that anymore, they continue to break the law. At this point, we as a country no longer put up with mass violence, it does not happen in other countries, but you have the power to change that.

America has six times as firearm homicides as Canada. (5.1M) and nearly 16 times as many as Germany. (1.9M) The U.S is an outlier on gun violence because it has way more guns than other developed nations. It's worth noting that mass shootings made up a tiny portion of America's firearm deaths, which totaled nearly 39,000 in 2016 alone, imagine how much there will be in 2017-2018.

So, if guns are keeping us safe, why isn't America safe? In all your power, please make America great, and make America safe again!


Kyla H.

The author's comments:

People take advantage of guns. Guns are suppost to be helping us be safe, but how can we be safe if America isn't safe?

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