Passwords | Teen Ink


December 20, 2016
By Anonymous

Although passwords are one of many first world problems, it’s still a legitimate topic to write about. I find myself having to create accounts for every single website I go to, and keeping track of all my different passwords is near impossible. At first, I only had four passwords. One for my most important documents and technology related appliances, one for everything school related, one for slightly important things, and one for things I just had to make an account for but wasn’t worried about keeping secure. However, I soon found that each of my passwords were being rejected because some websites demanded at least one symbol, one uppercase letter, two numbers, and two lowercase letters. The struggle is real. Why can’t Google just invent either a plugin that automatically creates accounts for you or bypasses that security measure so I can view the website?

Can anyone else relate to this? I can’t be the only one dealing with this problem, right?

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