Just look up | Teen Ink

Just look up

February 18, 2009
By RayRay BRONZE, St. Paul, Minnesota
RayRay BRONZE, St. Paul, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are so many things that we forget everyday. We forget to feed our dog, forget to set our alarm clock, forget the clothes at the dry cleaners. But there is also way more important things we forget to do. Like to enjoy the day, feel the wind in your hair, look up at the beautiful blue sky. These are the things that really matter. These are the things that we should do everyday. The next time you are outside stop, look up, close your eyes, and breathe in as much as you can. Let it out while your eyes are still closed and just think to yourself what a beautiful day. Or maybe the sky is so pretty. Just remember to look up and enjoy what you have!

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This article has 1 comment.

rainewater said...
on Aug. 17 2009 at 11:00 pm
In a time when drivers, McDs workers, and even joggers are busy on their cell phones, it is imperative for the inheriting generation to acknowledge the beautiful world around us. Good job in pointing that out.