Freedom means... | Teen Ink

Freedom means...

December 18, 2015
By Wcfruehauf BRONZE, Lewes, Delaware
Wcfruehauf BRONZE, Lewes, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

123 Countries are democratic out of the 196 Countries in the world. I find this very shocking because it means that 73 Countries under the rule of a Tyrant or a King. The statistic above is a major reminder of my freedom...

Freedom means doing what ever I want to and accomplishing anything I set my mind too. No dream is too big in a free country with endless opportunities. Freedom also means hopping on my bike and biking down to the beach to go for a quick swim before dinner. In my country I use our freedom to speak, dress, and petition our government freely. This goes along with a large a large assortment of other ways that allow me to do as I choose without remorse. Perhaps, a more simplified example would be I wear what I want, say what I want, watch what I want, see what I want, do what I want, and most importantly I obtain my own beliefs and moral values. This is because of the founding fathers who had fought for my freedom from monarchy, our veterans who defended and protected our natural right to live free from tyranny and all others who oppose our freedom.

Veteran' who have risked their lives in order to protect our freedom and country. Freedom is also taken for granted. People often over look the fact that freedom is about more than dressing freely; gender, race, religion, and sexuality are many of the reasons this country was founded. I am a male, European, and a Christian and this doesn't make me better or worse than the next guy or gal. This is why I am thankful to follow the religion that I choose and grateful for equality between my neighbors and I. Consequently, without the brave we wouldn't be living in the land of the free.

The author's comments:

This piece was originally for a Literary contest that my class participated in. I hope that thie piece entices you to find reasons why you are grateful for your freedom.

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