Live In The Now | Teen Ink

Live In The Now

April 18, 2015
By Anonymous

I think we can all agree that when we were young, we all wanted to grow up as soon as possible. Little did I know, growing up would prove to be a tedious task. One thing I would want to stress to my younger self, if I could, is to live life, let your imagination go wild because when you’re a kid there are some things you’ll have at that time, that you will not have when you are older: innocence. We never stop to think about the negative side of growing up. One thing I really wanted to do, back when I was 8 years old, was to drive. Fast forward 8 years, and I had received my license. After a few days of driving, you realize how dangerous it is. Danger at every corner, and parents constantly worrying every time we go out and about. I have heard too many emotional stories about teens dying because of texting, drinking, or something that wasn’t their fault. There is a cost when it comes to freedom. Being a video gamer, I love to play violent games, because, and I kind of hate to admit it, they’re usually the most fun. If you’re a gamer and you are reading this, you probably do what I do. Disregard the ESRB ratings and play M rated games. Same goes for movies. The funniest, most satirical movies are more than likely rated R, which keeps the majority of teens out, unless with parents. Every teen knows that having a parent takes the fun out of the movie. Knowing we were not allowed to see it or play it, we wish we could be older. Many of us, including myself, went to banks to get our debit cards/bank accounts. Before we know it, we’ll have to pay our credit card bills, deal with credit card frauds, and keep up our credit scores high. My logic is, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, but there is one thing about the future I cannot brush off: family. Sometimes I lay on my bed and think about stuff, I’m sure you do too. One thing I think about it is, all the people I know, all the relationships, where will all of us be in the future? It frightens me to see, a fragile mother and father, because in our youth, they were always dealing with us, putting up with our delinquency. Now, they would be old and fatigued. Our grandparents would have passed on, which is hard for me to think of, considering I’ve never experienced a death in my life. Our siblings will be just as old as we are, or maybe even older. Friends will reminisce about the adventures as we sit there drinking, and talking. Oh I haven’t even covered kids. Yes, kids. As most of us will have by the time we are grown up, we’ll have children of our own, a family. There is nothing more frightening and beautiful at the same time. It is the beautiful cycle of life. Everybody goes through it, experiencing things at different times. As Kanye West had once mentioned in a speech, “Nothing in life is promised except death”. Thinking about the future, he was 100 percent correct with that saying. Another way of thinking I carry within my mind, is to live in the now. So thinking of the future contradicts my own logic, but it’s hard not to when it acts like a sequel to an all time favorite movie. You’re the fan, and you want to know if it’s going to be good or bad.

The author's comments:

I was talking with my mother and I started to doze off and think about an older her, dad and no grandparents. It really put me into a writing mood. 

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