Girls and their Standards | Teen Ink

Girls and their Standards

July 2, 2014
By ssaammaanntthha SILVER, Garden City, Michigan
ssaammaanntthha SILVER, Garden City, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“To gain your own voice, you have to forget about having it heard.”

Recently I have noticed a lot of girls in general have really high standard when it comes to guys. Whether it be the guy they are in a relationship with, or the guy that likes them, even just guys in general. I noticed that most of the female population expects to be treated like a princess. I get that you want to be treated with respect and not garbage, but there should be a limit in there somewhere. For example, why do girls get so hurt when a guy doesn't text them every morning, and every night, yes its a nice gesture and it lets them know the guy is thinking of them, but do you really need that assurance every night, and every morning? Another thing, why do girls say that they refuse to text a guy first? Really? Why is the guy expected to make all the effort in the relationship or even the friendship. Did you ever think maybe the reason you don't talk to him as much, is because he is tired of putting in all the effort? Guys shouldn't be expected to buy you whatever you want, or take you wherever you want. UNLESS, unless he wants too! Some girls will get mad, and upset if the guy doesn't drop all his plans to just hangout or do whatever the girl wants, and I don't get it. They'll say he is being a loyal boyfriend, or friend, well yeah I get that part, but wouldn't a loyal friend or boyfriend, just be someone who treats you with respect, who cares for you, and makes you happy? Not someone who has to text you constantly, cancel his plans because you want him too, or buy you expensive things. Relationships or friendships shouldn't be about that stuff, it should be about being with someone who makes you happy, who makes you feel okay whenever you re down, someone who cares about you and loves you the way you are. I think girls really need to stop expecting so much from guys! They're just a guy! They don't need to be perfect, they aren't going to be your prince charming, and you aren't going to be a princess, so don't expect it, this is the real world not some fairy tale you read when you were a kid. So take a step back, realize that the guy shouldn't be the one texting you first, shoot, pick up your phone and send him a goodnight or good morning text, let him know you're thinking of him! Imagine how happy he would be...Stop being so dumb about it, who the heck cares if a girl texts a guy first, whats the big deal? Girls in general need to realize that not every guy is gonna be perfect, and if you want to talk to him, you might need to be the one to send that first text. I think in general girls just need to stop expecting so much from guys, and just go with the flow, if he makes you happy, and treats you with respect, what more could you want?

The author's comments:
this isn't some fairy tale, this is reality.


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