Caffeinated drinks? | Teen Ink

Caffeinated drinks?

May 29, 2014
By tonya123 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
tonya123 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“ZZZZZ…. ZZZZZ.” “ WAKE UP!” That’s probably how you feel in school all the time. Yet when you try to stay awake by having a coffee you get yelled at? So if you can’t drink coffee to stay awake what should you do? exactly the only other way is to do is start school later.

Teachers are always complaining how students are tired. There is two ways to fix that you could let them have caffeinated drinks or start school earlier. Now the school later takes a lot of time to prepare. If students start learning when their brain is not awake it can have affects on them when they get older. Students will be complaining they are tired and end up going to the nurse. Going to the Nurse usually takes 20-30 minutes with the amount of students that are in the nurse. Yet if students were allowed to drink coffee they would not complain of being tired and such.

Students do not always have time in the morning to get coffee or any type of soda, but about 27% of schools are trying to be able to have coffee machines for the students. If you want students to be more awake embrace the influence of letting students be able to drink caffeinated drinks in school. people say that caffeinated drinks are bad for the little kids, but only certain drinks will do that such as monster, mountain dew, NOS,etc. Most caffeinated drinks will not do that to you such as coffee people say it will stunt your growth but that is just a myth. So students should be allowed to drink coffee because it has no long term effects.

Teachers complain they are tired imagine how kids feel when they are up late? Kids minds do not function until later in the afternoon. But if they get a coffee or anything like that there brain can wake up during class. again when your brain doesn’t function and you are learning you don’t memorize anything. When students have to take early tests or finals in the morning at 10 or earlier there is a better chance they will fail if they are not awake in any way and if there brain is not prepared for a test. Not being prepared can cause some damage to your brain.

Most teachers say that caffeinated drinks give student “ too much energy.” However, would you rather have students sleepy, clumsy and tired in class or have a little more energy to be awake and ready to learn. Pick one or the other teachers. It’s normal for students ages 12-18 to go to bed later than usual and only get about 7-8 hours of sleep. Yeah that is the normal amount of time students need to sleep, but that DOES NOT mean they won’t be tired. Allowing students to drink energy drinks, or coffee again will help wake the up and they will be more prepared. Plus studies shows that kid who are more awake in school bring in their homework and remember their school books, pencils, and binders.

In conclusion students should be able to have coffee, monster, redbull, etc when they are feeling sleepy in school. Students can’t always be prepared awake and alert they need a little boost sometimes. Students are not perfect, but neither are teachers. They both need a boost but teachers are allowed to drink coffee Students can’t. Why don’t we change that?

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