Light at the end of the Tunnel | Teen Ink

Light at the end of the Tunnel

May 28, 2014
By Anonymous

Light at the end of the Tunnel

Tragedies happen every second, minute and hour of every day. They are unavoidable and often dream crushing. How is one to believe that life can be successful and worry free when horrible events, are happening all the time? Faith. Not faith in the idea of a higher power or anything like that, but faith in the fact that things happen for a reason and at first if we don’t know why we need to search for the answers.
My life changed when my grandmother died. One day she was perfectly fine the next she was in the ICU and the next she was gone; there was nothing I could do about it. There was no way to get her back, I would never be able to hear her sweet voice again or feel her comforting hug that let me know someone is there. I felt as though a part of me had died with her, a part that no matter how hard I tried I would never get back. She was everything to me, sure we had our moments but above all she loved me with her whole being and would have to anything to keep me out of harm’s way. As a grandmother she went the extra mile she came to every event no matter how significant it was. She showed her love through her presence and selflessness, down to the days leading up to her death. She had known she was sick for nearly a year before she was hospitalized and had told no one, she kept it in so that no one would treat her differently and no one would worry. I only wish I had known so I could have made that last year even more memorable, but I have faith that I will keep all our memories for the rest of my life no matter how long ago they were.
Faith is what has kept me going ever since the day I lost her. I have had faith in the thought that she was taken from me for a reason. What that reason is, I still do not know but eventually one day I will and it will all be worth it. Without the faith and comfort in the knowledge that she is no longer suffering, her would have been much more difficult to deal with. Not that it has been a walk in the park by any means, but I have found solace knowing she is alright.
They say time heals all wounds, yet it has been five years and it still hurts to not have her every day. However, the faith I have that one day I will see her again and the power of knowing she is truly with me every single day protecting and watching over me, comforts me just as much as her hugs used to. One has to have faith in life and all of the wonders that come with it, as well as knowing that obstacles happen and we must overcome them with the faith of better, this I believe.

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