Transposed | Teen Ink


March 20, 2014
By ChrisChilds03 BRONZE, Naples, Florida
ChrisChilds03 BRONZE, Naples, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When your best attribute turns into your worst detriment you become your own worst enemy. Like a transposed sword with a sharpened handle and a dull blade. Any swing at your enemy only hurts yourself and leaves you bloody and hesitant. What are you to do when your chief aptitude betrays you and becomes the enclosing fire outside your drowning circle of blood? where a single step out of line will consume you and leave you charred, suffocated by your own flesh. Even with the self doubt, denial, and incomplete honesty it will not lead you to set your world on fire. Instead, drop the sword, use your god-given gifts and throw yourself full-heartedly at the task at hand. You must fully commit yourself to the change, put half the effort in and you will be struck backwards to your humiliated self. You will try to rationalize with yourself, making excuses and then doubting your own ability; when in reality, you are only doubting your lackluster ability.

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