What is art? | Teen Ink

What is art?

March 12, 2014
By Fdonkor BRONZE, Stockbridge, Georgia
Fdonkor BRONZE, Stockbridge, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Art is the expression of a person’s creativity. Art is something that is created to be beautiful or to express important ideas or feelings. Art is the creation of works of beauty or other special significance. Art is the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance. Art is anything you want it to be but everything in common is creativity is the main thing. Everyone can look at art in a different way but in the end it’s what you think is beautiful. Kind of like the expression “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. From your perspective something could be so amazing but from somebody else’s it could be the ugliest thing they have ever seen in their life. Many artists have explanations and quotes on what they think art is. One of the many quotes is “My inspiration is ART…because without ART we would just be stuck with reality.” – Daniel R. Lynch. Another one is "Art is not what you see, but what you make others see."- Edgar Degas. Also "There are more valid facts and details in works of art than there are in history books."- Charlie Chaplin. Lastly "Art should reveal the unknown, to those who lack the experience of seeing it."- Jaune Quick-to-See-Smith. My favorite quotes out of all those four would probably be Daniel R. Lynch’s and Jaune Quick-to-See-Smith. I like Lynch’s because if we really did not have art we would not have an imagination things would be so black and white and we would not think beyond anything and just be stuck with reality like he stated. I also like Smith’s because she is saying art should be able to explain something that maybe the person couldn’t understand from a book or from a show but through art. Art can be done by anyone no matter the age. Art has no specific age from babies to senior citizens anyone can witness art. Everyone benefits from art because you can express yourself through it or learn from it. Art is always a learning experience and a way for you to broaden your imagination. Some teachers even like to teach through art by letting you draw pictures to maybe explain a story. Even in math creating a flip book and writing your words in an artistic way. NO ONE is excluded from art some people do not even realize that in simple everyday things like doodling or playing with your food can be art. Art to me is seeing a painting and being able to get a story from it. Art to me has no boundaries or limits and allows you to take your thoughts and ideas way beyond you have ever imagined. Art to me is creating a picture in your head and making it come to life on paper. Art is just everything. Hopefully you have grasped and gotten an idea of what art is and see the perspectives of what other authors think it art is.

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