Should We Ban Leggings? | Teen Ink

Should We Ban Leggings?

February 6, 2014
By emc19 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
emc19 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Dear Teen Ink Editor,

I don’t understand why the shorts that most of the girls are wearing in the spring or when it gets warmer out are apparently too short and are banned in schools. The reason I feel this way is because the leggings that I see the girls wearing are pretty much see-through. I can see their polka-dotted underwear and stuff; it disgusting! I know that all the girls say that they are comfortable but I don’t believe they understand how revealing it is. So we could either keep both or ban both. I believe it would be best to ban the leggings because they are WAY more revealing than the shorts. I am a guy, so I obviously don’t wear them my self. But if I did, would it be inappropriate? If it would be then, why? I just believe that they show the outline of everything.


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