Lemurs Gone Wild | Teen Ink

Lemurs Gone Wild

January 8, 2014
By Anonymous

My big adventure happened at the zoo in July. I was at zoo camp with Janet McClure and Bailey Jexter. I will never forget that day that the baby lemur escaped his cage.

When the baby lemur got out, it was hysteria! His name was Pip and we kept calling to him to get him to not go out of the cage, but he ignored us. We could have caught him faster, but the bars of the cage were to spread out. He got out with ease. When he got out of the cage everybody panicked. That made it a lot harder to catch him. He ran under legs and through the trees, and we had to swerve around people and jump towards the trees. He was very agile. It didn’t help that he was really small.

We went through a whole bunch of the exhibits. We used them as shortcuts, but Pip also ran into them and we had to chase him through them. It slowed him down when he ran into the Galapagos Tortoises exhibit and got stuck in mud, but he still got himself out before we got there! Then he climbed into the trees and was swinging a lot faster. He went to the parrot exhibit and started throwing parrot poop at us! One hit Janet and she yelled, “Hey!” at the lemur, but that didn’t stop him.

We decided to make a plan. Bailey made it up. He said, “How about we split up and corner him in the petting zoo? It’s got high walls and he wouldn’t be able to climb them.”
We all thought that was a good idea, and we went through with it. It worked perfectly until Pip got stuck in a lady’s hair. She screamed until she couldn’t scream anymore. He finally got out of her hair, but something else caught his eye, her gold ring. I guess he thought it was pretty so he took it from her and ran off. That created a new problem for us! We finally found him in the petting zoo stealing the bell off of the cow. We thought it was excellent that he was there because we had planned on cornering him. So we all ran at him and we could see the fear in his eyes. We had him cornered. He ran to the right, but i blocked him. He ran to the left, but Bailey blocked him. He tried going through Janet’s legs, but she caught him! We had finally caught him!
We returned him to his cage, but even that was a challenge. He kept squirming and trying to scratch Janet. He actually bit Bailey! We finally got him into his cage, and put him in his own box and returned the gold ring to the lady and put the bell back on the cow. When we got back to the concession stand our counselor showed up and heard that the lemur got out. “Thanks for helping out”, said Bailey sarcastically.
Well after that incident we just sat at the concession stand and ate nachos and popcorn. We talked about how hard catching Pip was and we told our friends never to do it because it will wear you out. We would not even think about doing that again. I’d rather clean the petting zoo then chase Pip again. Chasing lemurs is like chasing a greased pig, but much, much harder.

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