Mudding | Teen Ink


December 6, 2013
By Leigh1998 BRONZE, Washington, Maine
Leigh1998 BRONZE, Washington, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mudding :)

See most girls like shopping, getting there hair done well you wanna know what I do, well here let me tell ya. I'm girl that loves the mud, I like four wheelers, dirt bikes, snowmobiles, lifted truck with big tires, see I'm not no normal girl, but I am a country girl. Well here's one of my story about Mudding hold on for the ride.
Last night my dad, Jeremy, Danielle, Matthew and I we all took a little detour last night off road, we went Mudding, we drove to Burkett vill off road, we went through this trail that has lots of mud holes, boy didn't that make the truck nice and muddy but I loved it. We also went up this big sand pile which I mean looked pretty cool. My dad try's it the first time didn't give it enough power so he backs down off the hill. Then my dad revs up his ford and floors it, he gives it right to her makes it all the way up but bottoms out.
We were tilted right side ways, dad, Jeremy and Matthew get out of the truck, course me and Danielle stay in the truck just to stay out of the way, plus it was like 8 o'clock at night so we had a giant light to help them see how they were gonna get us out of the mess.
Knowing my dad he would think of a way to get us out, because every man carries tools with them for things like this. So my dad, Jeremy and Matthew were all standing there looking in the truck body for something they could use, soon enough they found it.
Jeremy goes up front with a jack to lift the front of the truck along with Matthew, dad hopes in the trucks given it right to her backwards. We came free victory for us so everyone piles back in the truck, course we get all the way back down the hill and dad wasn't done playing yet so we went for another ride.
We went down this one road which mind you was very muddy because it was raining that night, so my dad decided that he wanted to play in the mud so he was going right side ways down a dirt road, mind you that was fun I love going and doing crazy stuff with my family that's what family's do.
Family's are fun to be around when your Mudding because no ones talking so no ones fighting, we just sit there cranking T.O.S, while spinning the tires. The things you do with family as Jeremy says "These are the memories you look back on" and he's right they are the memories I look back on. I will always remember these awesome moments with my family no matter what happens. Memories are forever so isn't family, so just live in the moment don't think about the past or the future because that won't get you any where in life. Just think of what's going on in your now not past or future your just gonna be stuck there. My saying is "you would rather be stuck in mud then stuck in the future because muds much better".

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MarkIpsum said...
on Mar. 6 2016 at 3:39 pm
Thanks for the article