Ready...Set...Goal! | Teen Ink


December 2, 2013
By Samantha Dragon BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
Samantha Dragon BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A goal is a small, four letter word that can mean so much to one person and possibly change lives for the better or for the worse. A goal is the act of someone striving to make an achievement, and that goal can be as small as eating breakfast every day or be as huge as becoming president. Each person can create at least one goal off the top of his or her head and stick to that goal for as long as possible. Goals make the world go round, and they can give a person meaning in life every day. They can be a wonderful motivation to succeed in life for anyone, and they show that many tasks are possible for one person to do. If goals did not exist, there would be no adventure or excitement in life and no one would have a mind set on what they would want to achieve. Therefore starting with this school year, I would like to maintain higher than a 3.5 GPA, go to Mass every Sunday, and know every student in my grade by the time I graduate high school.

During the rest of high school and throughout college, I would like to keep up my GPA to at least a 3.5. This goal is not too great of a struggle to achieve, but this goal would make me a happier person if I accomplished this goal every time. This task is a very important goal to me because it would better myself and make my family and me feel proud. Maintaining a high GPA will make my worries for college enormously less overwhelming, especially throughout junior and senior year. A higher GPA will give me courage and strength to maintain even higher goals within my education. This goal would lead to a never ending cycle of goals to achieve, and it will make me a smarter individual. Not only will this goal keep college under control, but also will make my every day schedule a whole lot less stressful. Having good grades will take constant effort, but this goal being achieved would make the worries tamed, especially with my job and extra curriculum activities. Maintaining higher than a 3.5 GPA throughout my education, would make me a more intelligent and time- consuming person.

Throughout the rest of my life as a catholic, I would like to achieve the goal of going to Mass every Sunday. A simple as this goal sounds, this task is not as easy for me to accomplish just yet. Whether I am doing homework, at work, or having a social life, these doings always get in the way of my family and I going to Mass weekly. This goal is very important because it would transform me into a better Catholic, and I would feel strong in my religion. I would be very proud of myself if I kept up with this achievement because this goal would bring me closer to God. The lord should be what my life revolves around, and in order to get close to Him, I should start off with accomplishing the goal of going to Mass every Sunday. This goal can be reached just by me pushing aside my social life on a Sunday for god and god only. To be a better Catholic, I should go to Mass every Sunday for the rest of my life in order to gain a closer relationship with god.

My last goal out of my top three is to know everyone in my grade and have a good relationship with them by the time I graduate from high school. Although this goal may seem silly, it is very important to me for the last two years I have left. High school is about making memories, and I would love to remember everyone in my grade for as long as I can. I want to be able to look back and say, “I know who that is because I remember from high school” in the future. This goal will be reached by me talking to many people in my grade every day, even if the task is as simple as letting them borrow my pencil. If I work on keeping my personality trait of staying socially active for these last two years, I can hopefully achieve this goal. If I do achieve this last goal, the accomplishment would make me feel like a nicer person towards others and show them that loving others is very important to me. My last goal is very special to me, and I would love to know everyone just a little tad more by the time I graduate.

The important goals that could change my life for the better are keeping up my GPA higher than a 3.5, going to Mass every Sunday, and knowing everyone in my grade by a nice way of meeting them. These goals strengthen my education, religious life, and relationship with others all for the common good, and it would be very important to me if I stick through with them. After these goals are achieved, I will feel like a better person, and I will try my hardest to keep up with these goals I have planned. My attitude on life will most likely change after these goals are achieved, and it will give me the courage to set even bigger goals for the future. All of these goals will make my life less stressful throughout the years, especially my young adult life. I hope I can stick with the goals that I have planned to succeed in because they would make me feel proud of myself. Anybody in the world can set a goal for himself or herself even if that goal is very important or not that important at all. No matter what size the goal is it can mean something special to an individual throughout his or her lifetime.

The author's comments:
This piece of work is all about my goals that are set for my near future.

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