Ghosts Are Real | Teen Ink

Ghosts Are Real

May 24, 2013
By Sophee Hillyard BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Sophee Hillyard BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ghosts Are Real

Scary movies, stories, and games all feature paranormal activity. They are all there to scare you, correct? But do people ever think about if ghosts are actually real? I believe that there is evidence that proves ghosts are real. Evidence and experience have led me to this conclusion.

Horror moves have been around for quite a while. In the back of audiences minds, they know it isn't a real scenario. In all truth, can ghosts be real? Is it possible that a deceased person can still "haunt" the live human race? There is good proof that ghosts are real. Many (including myself) believe Einstein's theory, conservation of energy. This proves that ghosts can be real. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, therefore, where does the energy go from a being that has died? Many ghost hunters believe they can detect electric fields created by ghosts. Since the source of energy stops, the electrical current stops. A lot of people have stories, pictures, and personal evidence that ghosts are real. I believe that once you have an experience with a ghost, you believe that they are real.

Horror movies in the theater make many people's hearts jump out of their chests because of the fear. Has anyone asked, why are people afraid of ghosts? The reason people are afraid of ghosts is because they feel like paranormal activity is harmful. Many people also have fear of the unknown. No one is 100% positive ghosts are real or not. Therefore, people are afraid because they are unsure. Another reason people are afraid of ghosts is because ghosts are associated with death. None of us understand ghosts, so we are afraid. Personally, I think that ghosts are not scary. I think that if a person believes in ghosts then they are less afraid. It is a good thing to believe in ghosts because then there is no fear of the unknown.

Ouija boards have been brought out at sleepovers and parties for generations. Are they a myth? Is it possible that a dead person can move an object? There are many experiences with ouija boards. People have said that windows shattered and chairs moved. This ties back to the theory that ghosts are real. An ouija board works by players lightly placing two fingers on a triangle shape. They then cross over the words HELLO on the board with the triangle. Then, the players ask the ghost a question. The ghost answers by moving the triangle over letters to spell something out. Many people believe the dead can communicate with us through dreams or moving simple objects. This is also nearly impossible to prove wrong/right. From personal experience of using an ouija board, I think that the dead can move objects and communicate with the living.

In conclusion, so much is unknown about ghosts there is no way to prove anything. It is all about a person's experience. 23% of Americans have claimed to have seen a ghost. Maybe in the future someone will be able to prove this theory, but for now, it is a person's opinion. It is something to think about, until someone has a true experience, they may always be wondering. I believe that ghosts are real because of my experience. Once a person opens there minds to the idea that ghosts are real, they may have an experience with them too.

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