I heard | Teen Ink

I heard

May 22, 2013
By kalina1995 baker SILVER, Chanute, Kansas
kalina1995 baker SILVER, Chanute, Kansas
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

For the past few days I have heard so many people say how their life sucks, or how they wish they could just run away from home. Some even say they want to hurt themselves, or someone else. And when I hear this I feel sorry for them, or just want to go up to them and talk to them. Life isn't all that bad. In fact, it's great. Yes I would know what you mean by you want to hurt youself, or run away, or that your life badly sucks. Mine does to. I tried so hard one time hurt myself but I always got inturupted, or something went wrong. I also DID run away 2-3 times. I got arested for it. And yes I even tried to harm some one else, and I still want to harm them. Some of you even say you also was hurt by your dad, or mom, or even both. So was I. I was hurt physicaly, and mentaly. Some of my family still hurt me mentaly. They can't hurt me physicaly only because I'm in foster care. You say you hate life. You shouldn't. Life is all you have before you die. I beleive that their are after lifes. That when you die you move on to the next life. But you get a worse life because of what bad things you did in the past life you had. Me I only wanted to hurt the man that hurt me because I couldn't forgive him and let go of what happened. That's why I can't even be brave enough to ask my own mother to come to see me, but without that man. Because I'm scared, and I still want to hurt him. My mother also hurt me by believing him over me. But I still love her because she's my mother. she's the reasion why I'm even alive. My father (Step-father) riased for the first 15 years of my life and never once told me he wasn't my real dad. But only because I was to young to accept it. Now, I have my real dad I sometimes or most of the time hate him. we don't get along. He's baptist, i'm not. He goes to church I don't. He tried to change me but I siad no and ran. Now here I am in foster care wishing to have one more chance. I have brothers and sisters. I'm the oldest out of the 7 of us, but I still am fighting to get through foster care and the kid life just to go and start my new life, and foget every bad thing that happened to me. Because I want to see my family and have a good relationship with them. I have a boyfriend that cares for me and some friends that also care, but I don't keep that close, because I know that some day we wont get along, and never want to see each other again. Yes life is hard, but please try to forgive and show people your strong. If someone is physicaly hurting you go to some one and tell them. Get help, or go see a friend and ask them for help. If you feel like your going to hurt yourself go ask some one for some counsling. And if you feel like your going to run away then talk to who ever you can trust and tell them what is going on. You ARE WORTH LIVING. NEVER FORGET THAT. your special, and a great person no mater what your told.

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