Monster Machines | Teen Ink

Monster Machines

May 21, 2013
By Grace Amaden BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
Grace Amaden BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Think about that soda or candy you bought from a vending machine today. Don’t lie, I know you bought something.

There are people in this world that can’t go a day without their diet sugar soda or their chemical cake in a plastic package. People take and buy these things everywhere from vending machines. Walk by one, buy something. See one in the mall, buy something. Not even hungry, buy something.

I don’t know if it just causes joy putting a dollar into the machine, or if you just like buying food from a box, but people are addicted. It’s like when you walk by, there is a light shining down on it saying “Buy me, buy me” and angels start singing from above. I guess it might help that these monsters are everywhere. In gyms, schools, offices, malls, wherever you look, monster. When you’re in the gym, work out and eat back what you lost.

Why do I call these machines monsters? Because they are just like the drink. High in sugar, salt and fat. These machines are addictive because of what they sell and the price of things you buy from it. Who wouldn’t love a candy bar for $1.00?
What is it that makes us want to but these things? Is it our addiction to sugar, or an addiction to advertisements? People in America eat too much sugar because of all these advertisements. Americans have to have the most high tech, best quality things no matter what. Advertisements cause more of a need for these things which is why we might have to buy these foods that we see in ads. Is a coincidence that the coolest ads are for the most unhealthy foods? Probably not.
Try going a day without buying your food from a machine, see how you feel. I bet you will feel better than you did before. See, if we had monsters with healthy options maybe I wouldn’t have to call them monsters. Can you go a day minus monsters?

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