Dear Monica | Teen Ink

Dear Monica

May 6, 2013
By Anonymous

Dear Monica,

Your time at Mercy has been fun filled and probably very exhausting! I never really knew you until I joined cheer team. When I came into the loud and crazy cheer family I admit I was very scared. But once I heard your story it gave me hope and a sense of I can do this. I did want to quit a couple weeks in but then I had a thought that if you started out the same way I did and are how great you are now than maybe I can do the same. I know you are so ready and looking forward to graduation day and just getting out of here but now you’re facing another huge challenge, college. I hope you will always remember Mercy and the girls here because we will surly remember you and miss you. I know that you are everything that I strive to be smart, kind, charitable, loving, fun, talented, and beautiful. I really hope that you will never forget the people you have influenced and how much you mean to them even if you don’t know it. I look up to you for a lot, mostly in cheer. I hope you will never lose that quirky mentality on your path through life. Remember to keep your Mercy vibe and be the woman you want to be. We will always be with you and will miss your fun spirit. Have fun in college and come back soon with lots of stories, I would love to hear them. Good luck in college!


Monica N

P.S. Remember your second family here at Mercy!

The author's comments:
This was a letter to a senior at my high school. she is going off to college and I wrote to her personally.

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